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TAFE and training providers in Melbourne’s south-east

Explore local TAFE and training providers to help you prepare for work.

TAFEs in Melbourne’s south-east

Below are the locations and contact details of TAFE campuses in Melbourne’s south-eastern region.

Map of TAFE campuses in Melbourne’s south-east

View Melbourne’s south-eastern region TAFE campuses(opens in a new window) in a full screen map.

Private training providers

Visit the Victorian Skills Gateway(opens in a new window) for government funded courses offered by other training providers in Melbourne’s south-eastern region.

You can search for courses offered by TAFE and training providers across the state.

Learn Local training providers

These not-for-profit community organisations offer low and no-cost training to eligible adult Victorians. You can use Learn Local courses to prepare for further study or gain the skills to work in industries like health services, hospitality and construction.

Find your nearest Learn Local(opens in a new window).

Get help finding the right course

Need help deciding on a training course for your next career move?

Contact the TAFE and Training Line for information via phone or email about training courses, training providers and government-subsidised training.

Contact your local Skills and Jobs Centre for free qualified, independent advice and support on training, career planning and finding a job in your local area.

Resources to plan your next steps

Visit our Melbourne’s south-eastern region profile to learn more about:

Explore growing industries across Victoria
