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Supported Residential Services

If you are operating a supported residential service (SRS) there are important changes you should know about.

Operating a supported residential service

From 1 July 2024, the Social Services Regulator replaced the Human Services Regulator.

The Social Services Regulator is implementing new laws that have requirements for social services providers, including SRS providers, plus specific requirements for SRS providers.

SRS providers need to meet requirements in the Social Services Regulation Act 2021 (the Act), the Social Services Regulations 2023 (the Regulations) and the Social Services (Supported Residential Services) Regulations 2024 (the SRS Regulations).

These new laws put the protection and safety of social services users at the centre of social services delivery.

One of the key changes is the replacement of the Accommodation and Personal Support Standards with six Social Services Standards.

All social service providers, including SRS providers, are required to comply with the six Social Services Standards.

  • If you had to meet the Accommodation and Personal Support Standards, you will likely need to make some changes to meet the new Standards.
  • More information about meeting the Social Services Standards, is on the About the Social Services Standards webpage.

Some things haven’t changed including:

  • SRS providers are still required to be registered
  • there are important requirements that SRS providers must meet to support the safe delivery of their service.

The fact sheets below focus on SRS provider specific requirements under the new laws and replace the ‘operating a supported residential service’ guide (also known as the orange book or proprietors guide).

It is important for SRS providers to read and understand the guidance as it will support your compliance with the new laws.

The Regulator is committed to providing you with guidance that supports you in meeting your requirements. The Regulator will seek feedback and build on this information over time.


Using a Residential Services Agreement
Word 161.71 KB
(opens in a new window)
Managing support plans
Word 154.26 KB
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Managing medication
Word 157.86 KB
(opens in a new window)
Staffing requirements
Word 169.39 KB
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Managing money
Word 156.51 KB
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Word 162.45 KB
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Notices to vacate
Word 162.17 KB
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Webinar slide pack

SSR webinar slide pack for supported residential services
PDF 1.76 MB
(opens in a new window)
