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Progress of Action 1.1

Action 1.1: Develop and implement CFA’s Engagement Framework and Volunteer Engagement Plan incorporating a monitoring, evaluation and continuous improvement process

Action objective: CFA’s Engagement Framework and Volunteer Engagement Plan is developed, implemented and remains fit for purpose

Lead agency: CFA

Year Two to Five Plan (November 2021) completion dateYear Two to Five Plan (updated May 2023) completion dateAgency reported status as at 30 June 2023
June 2025June 2025In progress - on track


This action requires CFA to develop and implement the CFA Engagement Framework a strategic overarching document that will set the foundations for how CFA engages with its stakeholders. The CFA Engagement Framework is central to CFA’s successful delivery of its mission, vision and strategy. This framework also includes a Volunteer Engagement Plan, Staff Engagement Plan, CFA Community Engagement Approach and Stakeholder Engagement Approach. The CFA Engagement Framework and associated plans and approaches will be implemented into CFA organisational practice and will have embedded monitoring, evaluation, and continuous improvement processes by June 2025.

Progress summary

CFA have provided evidence to confirm the progress of the CFA Engagement Framework and its associated plans and approaches. The Victorian Government Public Engagement Framework 2021-2025 informs this work.[13]

FSIM notes that CFA is a large organisation with many stakeholders that span across the state of Victoria and nationally. Developing tailored stakeholder engagement approaches and plans informed by a consistent set of engagement principles will provide guidelines that CFA members can use to prepare, manage, monitor and evaluate fit-for-purpose engagement initiatives. This guideline development is an important piece of work that has the potential to improve outcomes for CFA and the broader community by bringing volunteers, staff, external stakeholders and the community into the CFA decision-making process.

As at 30 June 2023, the progress of the CFA Engagement Framework, associated plans and approaches are as follows:

1. CFA Engagement Framework

The CFA Engagement Framework is in draft form. Further work will be required to complete the framework including stakeholder consultation and CFA executive approval.

2. CFA Volunteer Engagement Plan

The CFA Volunteer Engagement Plan is in draft form and on track for completion by June 2025. At the end of the reporting period, CFA was engaging with volunteers and the Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) and will continue to consult to develop the plan.

3. CFA Community Engagement Approach

The CFA Community Engagement Approach is complete and published on the CFA website.[14] This approach demonstrates CFA’s capability and commitment to engage with local communities and empower them to prepare for fire. To develop this approach, CFA has consulted with external stakeholders to identify how CFA can work with community members, government, corporate and other emergency management sector agencies. CFA’s engagement approach includes, but is not limited to, public awareness campaigns and fire safety programs.

4. CFA Stakeholder Engagement Plan/Approach and Staff Engagement Plan

CFA has yet to develop the CFA Stakeholder Engagement Plan/Approach and Staff Engagement Plan.


FSIM finds that action 1.1 is progressing, noting that the CFA Community Engagement Approach is complete and published on the CFA website.


[13] Victorian Government, 2021, Public Engagement Framework 2021-2025, Department of Premiere and Cabinet, viewed 25 May 2023,

[14] Country Fire Authority, 2022, Community Engagement Approach, Country Fire Authority, viewed 25 May 2023, <'s%20Community%20Engagement%20Approach%20outlines,them%20to%20prepare%20for%20fire
