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6. Monitoring progress of actions

Progress summaries and relevant findings for actions under each Year Two to Five Plan Priority Area.

Priority Area One: Strengthen CFA as a volunteer firefighting agency


Priority One of the Year Two to Five Plan contains seven actions with the shared outcome of “Strengthen CFA as a volunteer firefighting organisation”. The following section provides a progress summary for each Priority One action.

Priority Area Two: Strengthen FRV as a career firefighting agency


Priority Two of the Year Two to Five Plan contains four actions with the shared outcome of “Strengthen FRV as a career firefighting agency”. The following section provides a progress summary for each Priority Two action.

Priority Area Three: Plan and build for the future


Priority Three of the Year Two to Five Plan contains 12 actions with the shared outcome of “Plan and build for the future”. The following section provides a progress summary for each Priority Three action.

Action and lead agencyAgency reported status as at 30 June 2023Completion date

Action 3.1
Develop and implement FRV Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy, ICT Roadmap and Target Future Operating Model.

Lead: FRV

In progress - on track

June 2025

Action 3.2
Complete delivery of the $48.2 million fire station and firefighting fleet replacement program.

Lead: CFA

In progress - significant delays

June 2025

Action 3.3
Finalise the transfer of property, assets, liabilities, rights and obligations from CFA to FRV.

Lead: CFA

In progress - minor delays

December 2024

Action 3.4
FRV, in consultation with CFA, deliver agreed capital works to enable and enhance service delivery by co-located brigades.

Lead: FRV

In progress - minor delays

June 2025

Action 3.5
CFA to complete delivery of agreed capital works projects on behalf of FRV.

Lead: CFA


June 2023

Action 3.6
Rollout of the FRV Personal Protective Clothing (PPC) ensembles as part of the PPC project.

Lead: FRV

In progress - minor delays

June 2023

Action 3.7
Agencies mature existing joint governance arrangements that support the implementation of the program and ongoing development of interoperability procedures and arrangements.

Lead: CFA and FRV


June 2023

Action 3.8
CFA, in collaboration with FRV, to develop protocols to ensure all FRV seconded training staff satisfy CFA’s Registered Training Organisation (RTO) obligations and Jun 2022 requirements.

Lead: CFA

In progress - on track

August 2023

Action 3.9
Where practical and appropriate, finalise harmonisation of procedures, including service level procedures between CFA and FRV and any related party to ensure the agreements support effective operations.

Lead: CFA and FRV

In progress - significant delays

June 2024

Action 3.10
Where practical and appropriate, finalise any delegation authorisations between CFA and FRV to support the operationalisation of the Service Level Deeds of Agreement (SLDA) and schedules.

Lead: CFA


June 2023

Action 3.11
CFA to ensure internal policies and procedures support the arrangements outlined in the SLDA and schedules.

Lead: CFA


June 2024

Action 3.12
Finalise a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to formalise ongoing support service requirements.

Lead: CFA and FRV

In progress - on track

June 2025

Priority Area Four: Valuing our people


Priority Four of the Year Two to Five Plan contains 10 actions that have the shared outcome of “Valuing our people”. The following section provides a progress summary for each Priority Four action.

Action and lead agencyAgency reported status as at 30 June 2023Completion date

Action 4.1
Appoint the Firefighters Registration Board (FRB).

Lead: DJCS with CFA and FRV

In progress - minor delays

August 2023

Action 4.2
Establish capability standards to support the secondment arrangements, the firefighters register, application processes and transparent appeals processes.

Lead: FRB

Not commenced

December 2024

Action 4.3
Complete delivery of the volunteer’s health and safety initiatives program; specifically, the wildfire respiratory protection trial, the firefighter safety compliance initiatives and the wildfire PPC project.

Lead: CFA

In progress - significant delays

June 2024

Action 4.4
Define FRV values and culture and deliver supporting programs of work: 

Lead: FRV


June 2023

Action 4.5
Continue delivering the following cultural and diversity change programs: 

Lead: CFA

In progress - on track

June 2024

Action 4.6
Develop and continue delivering on inclusion and diversity initiatives: 

Lead: FRV

In progress - significant delays

March 2023

Action 4.7
Develop a scope for leadership roles that reflect contemporary brigade and group models.

Lead: CFA

In progress - on track

February 2025

Action 4.8
Identify new opportunities to recognise and value the contribution made by both volunteer and career firefighters to delivering fire services (e.g. communications and collaboration).

Lead: CFA and FRV


June 2023

Action 4.9
Demonstrate progress towards reaching the government’s commitment of 400 women career firefighters in FRV

Lead: FRV

In progress - minor delays

December 2025

Action 4.10
Support diversity and inclusion in CFA and make progress towards delivering on the commitment to increasing the number of women in brigade leadership roles to 15 per cent.

Lead: CFA


June 2025

Priority Area Five: Ensure the future sustainability of the fire services


Priority Five of the Year Two to Five Plan contains eight actions that have the shared outcome of “Ensure the future sustainability of the fire services”. The following section provides a progress summary for each Priority Five action.

Action and lead agencyAgency reported status as at 30 June 2023Completion date

Action 5.1
CFA in consultation with FRV develops and maintain a secondment strategy that details CFA’s capability and capacity needs for those resources sourced from FRV

Lead: CFA

In progress - significant delays

June 2023

Action 5.2
Undertake a review of operational capability and capacity requirements to meet the future needs of fire services across Victoria to inform future funding plans.

Lead: DJCS with CFA and FRV

In progress - on track

November 2024

Action 5.3
Develop an FRV Strategy.

Lead: FRV


September 2022

Action 5.4
Develop a Strategic Workforce Plan for operations with a strong focus on regional and remote delivery of services.

Lead: FRV


March 2023

Action 5.5
Conduct an initial financial sustainability assessment of FRV and CFA.

Lead: DJCS with CFA and FRV


December 2021

Action 5.6
Develop an initial funding plan that addresses high priority funding requirements for CFA and FRV in years three and four of the Fire Services Reform and addresses the impact of: 

Lead: DJCS with CFA and FRV


December 2021

Action 5.7
Conduct a financial sustainability assessment update of FRV and CFA, based on three years operation of the new fire services model.

Lead: DJCS with CFA and FRV

Not commenced

December 2024

Action 5.8
Develop a long-term funding plan for CFA and FRV for Year five and beyond.

Lead: DJCS with CFA and FRV

Not commenced

June 2025
