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Progress of Action 3.5

Action 3.5: CFA to complete delivery of agreed capital works projects on behalf of FRV.

Action objective: Delivery of capital works projects on behalf of FRV by CFA are complete, ensuring FRV has access to resources needed to provide effective service delivery.

Lead agency: CFA

Year Two to Five Plan (November 2021) completion dateYear Two to Five Plan (updated May 2023) completion dateAgency reported status as at 30 June 2023
June 2023June 2023Completed


This action requires CFA to complete capital works for three co-located fire stations and fleet replacement projects for 14 Heavy Pumpers and one Combined Aerial Rescue Pumper (CARP) on behalf of FRV.

As part of Fire Services Reform, CFA transitioned the delivery of in-flight projects and responsibility for the 350 Firefighter Program – Capital Sub-Program (the P350 Sub-program) to FRV. This transition includes transferring nine co-located station build and modification projects to FRV as part of action 3.4. In addition, CFA led the construction of three new co-located stations and a tanker replacement program included in this action 3.5, which, following completion, were transferred to FRV as at 30 June 2023.

Progress summary

CFA reported this action as completed and acquitted the action in January 2023.

Table 12 outlines the status of the respective station and fleet replacement projects that CFA delivered on behalf of FRV.

Table 12: Station and fleet replacement status

Stations Replacement and Fleet Projects Status 30 June 2023Project Completion
Stations Replacement Projects
Melton Fire Station modificationsCompletedNovember 2021
Morwell Fire Station projectCompletedNovember 2022
Bendigo Temporary Fire Station CompletedMarch 2022
Fleet Projects
14 Heavy PumpersCompletedDecember 2021
One combined aerial rescue pumper (CARP)CompletedDecember 2021

1. Station Replacement Projects

CFA reported capital works for three co-located stations as complete as at January 2023.

As at 30 June 2023, FRV had accepted Melton, Morwell and Bendigo Temporary Fire Stations as completed. These stations met FRV standard design requirements and were determined by FRV to be fit for purpose.

While these stations met FRV standard design requirements, based on the information provided, FSIM observed a lack of agreed and formalised acceptance criteria to assess the completion of station replacements and upgrades where one agency is undertaking work on behalf of the other. Without agreed acceptance criteria, there may be ambiguity regarding when a station replacement or upgrade is reported as “complete.” For example, FSIM discussions with both agencies regarding Morwell, Melton and Bendigo Temporary fire stations found no formal acceptance criteria had been established. Agencies were using a “practical completion” baseline to assess completion rather than a formalised agreement based on the action objective (e.g., confirming via agreed measures/evidence that the capital works projects provide access to resources for FRV to provide effective service delivery”).

In June 2023, CFA advised that a review of the current handover process between CFA and FRV has highlighted an opportunity for improvement by defining acceptance criteria to assess the completion of future co-location station replacement and upgrade projects, including projects transitioned to CSBA for delivery. FSIM notes that this issue has been raised at HoA for consideration and to determine how assessment criteria could be incorporated into future acceptance processes.

CFA will continue to retain responsibility for any defects for stations completed and handed over to FRV as per the nominated and agreed 12-month construction defects liability period, in line with the Ministerial Direction on Public Construction. As at 30 June 2023, CFA continues to retain responsibility for construction defects for the Morwell Fire Station.

2. Fleet Projects

At the end of the reporting period, FRV accepted the handover of 14 Heavy Pumpers and one CARP from CFA and all vehicles were registered to FRV.


FSIM finds action 3.5 partially implemented. FSIM notes the risk identified results from a lack of agreed and formalised acceptance criteria to assess the completion of co-located station replacements and upgrades where one agency is undertaking work on behalf of the other. FSIM has not yet completed an effectiveness assessment of this action against its objective.
