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Progress of Action 4.7

Action 4.7: Develop a scope for leadership roles that reflect contemporary brigade and group models.

Action objective: CFA’s brigade leadership structure is fit for purpose, reflecting modernised brigade and group models with identified pathways for volunteer progression.

Lead agency: CFA

Year Two to Five Plan (November 2021) completion dateYear Two to Five Plan (updated May 2023) completion dateAgency reported status as at 30 June 2023
June 2023February 2025In progress – on track


This action requires CFA to develop a scope for CFA’s leadership roles (particularly operational leadership) to reflect contemporary brigade and group models.

This action has been amended to account for phased activity under the CFA Operating Model Program (action 1.7).

FSIM understands that while this action remains in the Year Two to Five Plan, delivery will fall under action 1.7. The work program under action 1.7 will provide a logical sequence of activities to resolve broader questions on CFA’s operating model, which are required to inform the delivery of this action.

Progress summary

This initiative is part of a wider program to support CFA becoming a contemporary organisation. The Operating Model Program (action 1.7) is a six-year program developed following extensive organisation-wide consultation and will be progressively implemented. Each year, the executive and Board agree on which initiatives will progress, taking account of the operating context at the time and other relevant factors, such as available resources.

This particular action relating to leadership roles is planned to be complete by February 2025. The precise scope is still to be confirmed but will likely include the roles from volunteer fire fighter through to CO, CFA.

CFA advised that the new timeframe proposed for completion of this action considers the Operating Model Program and the associated dependencies, with a new completion date of February 2025. Activity under this action was initiated in April 2023, and work is in its early stages.


FSIM finds action 4.7 is progressing. FSIM notes that CFA has drafted possible performance measures for activities relevant to this action and that once CFA executive has agreed on a final approach, FSIM will seek a detailed implementation plan to meaningfully consider when the impact of this action could be assessed.

FSIM notes that CFA does not intend this activity will put additional requirements on staff seconded to CFA from FRV. CFA’s intention is that seconded staff are expected to promote and facilitate CFA members to attend leadership capability opportunities and programs as part of their roles as Commanders and ACFO’s in CFA areas.

Given that activity to complete this action falls under CFA’s Operating Model review (action 1.7), FSIM considers that it may be useful to consider these actions as part of a broader review of remaining Year Two to Five Plan actions, as recommended in Section 3 of this report.
