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Family Safety Victoria - Part II Statements

The statements outline the functions of Family Safety Victoria and lists the types of information and documents we hold in relation to our functions.

Our Part II Statements outline the role of Family Safety Victoria (FSV) and makes it easy to locate information about key services, functions and reports.

Please note, the statements below are not an exhaustive list of all the information that is publicly available.

FSV was established as an administrative office of the Department of Health and Human Services in July 2017 and then the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (department) in February 2021 to:

  • drive key elements of Victoria’s family violence strategy
  • coordinate support for families to help them care for children and young people

FSV’s priority is the safety and wellbeing of women, children and young people. We are working to keep women, children and families safe, and to ensure children and young people grow up in families that can support their development, health and wellbeing needs.

FSV leads policy development and delivers key reforms including:

  • Establishing The Orange Door in 17 locations across Victoria – transforming services, making it easier to get help for those at risk or experiencing family violence and for families needing support for the care, development and wellbeing of their children.
  • Enhancing existing specialised services for those experiencing family violence including children, so that the right assistance is available at the right time.
  • Implementing the Multiagency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (the MARAM), and the new family violence information sharing regime to those organisations prescribed under regulations.
  • Implement the Central Information Point (CIP) which connects services, such as The Orange Door, to integrated information from police, the courts, the department, and Corrections to keep people experiencing family violence safe.
  • Delivering the 10-year Family Violence Industry Plan and housing the Centre for Workforce Excellence, to build workforce capacity and capability in partnership with the sector.
  • Building an understanding of Victoria’s diverse communities to embed improved responsiveness to diversity and to the complexities of intersectionality across the family violence, child and family services reforms.
  • Leading engagement with sector, people with lived experience of family violence and child and family services, diverse communities and the Victorian community as a whole to ensure all reforms and service innovations delivered by FSV to achieve improved, integrated and coordinated response to client’s complex needs.
  • Dhelk Dja: Safe our Way: Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families — the new Aboriginal 10 Year Family Violence Agreement led by key Aboriginal stakeholders.
  • Implementation of Everybody Matters - 10 Year Inclusion and Equity Statement, so everyone can be supported by the service system, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, culture, religion and ability.

We are working across government and with our partners across the community services sector to transform services and introduce new practices to make it easier for people to get the help, protection and support they need, simply and in a coordinated manner.

By leading collaboration and engagement for Victoria’s family violence response, we will make sure the safety and needs of people with lived experience of family violence and child and family services drive these changes, and that services are safe, accessible and culturally appropriate.

This Part II statement describes how FSV is making information readily available to the public. Providing easily accessible information reduces the need to submit freedom of information requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).

Part II Statements
