To get us there, we will work with communities and organisations to carry out actions. We will measure our progress and keep Victorians informed as we build a state free from racism.
Roles and responsibilities
- The Minister for Multicultural Affairs and the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples will lead this strategy.
- Victorian Government ministers and their departments will work together to carry out whole-of government actions, as well as actions that are part of their area of responsibility.
- The Victorian Anti-Racism Taskforce will support early implementation by providing expert community advice, governance and oversight of the strategy’s early actions.
- VEOHRC and the Victorian Multicultural Commission will protect human rights and promote equality, inclusivity and diversity for all Victorians.
Reporting back to communities
First Peoples, multicultural and multifaith communities are critical to this strategy’s success. We will regularly report back to communities on our progress as actions are put in place.
Open communication with communities will enable us to monitor the impact of our actions and ensure community needs remain at the forefront of our work.