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The plan for action

The plan for action is the blueprint for how we will achieve our vision for a Victoria free from racism and discrimination.

We want all Victorians across metropolitan, rural and regional areas to:

  • enjoy equal rights, freedoms and protections
  • thrive in safe, healthy and supportive communities.

The plan outlines:

  • our 4 priority goals for meaningful, widespread change to address racism at all levels and across all areas of life
  • the actions we will take to achieve these goals.

Some of our approaches will be broad and some will be tailored to specific communities. A number of anti-racism activities under these actions focus on First Peoples communities and align with the principles of self-determination and capacity building. The detail of these actions will be developed through the strategy’s implementation.

We will develop a detailed monitoring and evaluation plan to track the progress of these actions. Data related to racism is not always collected or easy to access. Through creating a monitoring and evaluation framework, we will continue to build a better understanding of racism in Victoria and how we can work collectively to address it.
