General manufacturing
VPG date
1 May 2023
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide AMP Australian Meat Processing Training Package Release 8.0(opens in a new window)Word 276.75 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide AMP Australian Meat Processing Training Package Release 8.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 534.25 KBDescription
The AMP Australian Meat Processing Training Package Release 8.0 reflects the following changes:
- 5 revised qualifications including 4 with new Maximum Payable Hours
- 39 units (non-equivalent) and 55 units (equivalent) have been revised; 3 units have been deleted
- 7 new units.
VPG superseded
AMP Australian Meat Processing (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 760.94 KBDescription
The AMP Australian Meat Processing Training Package Release 7 reflects the revision of AMP30421 Certificate III in Meat Processing (Rendering), along with 9 revised units of competency.
VPG date
20 March 2023
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package Release 8.0(opens in a new window)Word 278.72 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package Release 8.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 599.11 KBDescription
The FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package Release 8.0 reflects the creation of the following new unit:
- FBPBSH201 Participate in wild harvesting of native plants for food processing.
This new unit has been added as an elective to the following qualification:
- FBP20122 Certificate II in Food Processing.
VPG superseded
FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Release 7 (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 749.22 KBDescription
The Release 7 of FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical included:
- 2 qualifications in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and 2 units of competency have been revised
- 2 qualifications and 37 units from the Sugar Milling Sector – that are no longer required by industry and have been deleted.
VPG date
18 July 2020
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package Release 4.0(opens in a new window)Word 101.73 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package Release 4.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 281.83 KBDescription
Release 4.0 of the ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package covers:
- the revision of 6 qualifications at AQF Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5
- 3 new units of competency in quality management, safe working environment and communication in the workplace.
Two qualifications and 68 units of competency no longer required by industry have been deleted from the training package.
VPG superseded
ICP Printing and Graphic Arts (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 119.9 KBDescription
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects Release 3 of the ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package. It includes one new unit of competency and 3 revised units of competency.
VPG date
3 June 2013
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide MSA07 Manufacturing Training Package Version No 8.2(opens in a new window)Word 122.77 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide MSA07 Manufacturing Training Package Version No 8.2 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 544.76 KBDescription
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects Release 8.2 of the MSA07 Laboratory Operations Training Package.
VPG superseded
MSA07 Manufacturing (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 826.5 KBDescription
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects Release 8 of the MSA07 Laboratory Operations Training Package. It includes 2 new units of competency.
VPG date
19 April 2023
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide MSL Laboratory Operations Training Package Release 4.0(opens in a new window)Word 191.23 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide MSL Laboratory Operations Training Package Release 4.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 297.27 KBDescription
MSL Laboratory Operations Training Package Release 4.0 reflects the revision and recoding of all 5 MSL qualifications, all of which remain equivalent:
- MSL20122 Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement
- MSL30122 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills
- MSL40122 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques
- MSL50122 Diploma of Laboratory Technology
- MSL60122 Advanced Diploma of Laboratory Management.
Fifty-nine units have been revised with 2 deleted. Three new units in surgical cut-up have been developed.
VPG superseded
MSL Laboratory Operations Training Package Release_3.2(Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 723.59 KBDescription
Release 3.0 of the MSL Laboratory Operations Training Package incorporated the addition of the following new elective unit of competency to the MSL40118 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques and MSL50118 Diploma of Laboratory Technology, with both remaining equivalent:
MSL974030 Process body fluid specimens using a point-of-care testing device
Release 3.1 reflects the deletion of 8 units of competency following Ministerial recommendations to remove unused training products.
Release 3.2 reinstates unit MSL975043 Prepare animal and plant material for display (deleted in MSL Release 3.1).
VPG date
19 April 2023
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide MSM Manufacturing Training Package Release 8.0(opens in a new window)Word 200.4 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide MSM Manufacturing Training Package Release 8.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 347.02 KBDescription
Release 8.0 of the MSM Manufacturing Training Package reflects changes to the Recreational Vehicle qualifications and units as follows:
- 4 revised qualifications:
- MSM21122 Certificate II in Recreational Vehicle Trade Pathways
- MSM41122 Certificate IV in Recreational Vehicles
- MSM31022 Certificate III in Recreational Vehicle Service and Repair
- MSM31022 Certificate III in Recreational Vehicle Service and Repair
- MSM31122 Certificate III in Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing
- 6 new units
- 23 Recreational Vehicle units have been revised and recoded.
VPG superseded
MSM Manufacturing Release 7 (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 99.66 KBDescription
This VPG reflects Release 7.0 and includes one new unit and 4 revised units to support the high-pressure water jetting industry.
- 4 revised qualifications:
VPG date
8 March 2023
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide MSS Sustainability Training Package Release 5.0(opens in a new window)Word 246.42 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide MSS Sustainability Training Package Release 5.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 425.11 KBDescription
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects Release 5 of MSS Sustainability Training Package. Updates include:
- all qualifications have been recoded, reviewed and updated
- 131 reviewed and updated units
- 9 new units
- 11 deleted units (low or no enrolments)
- 2 deleted qualifications:
- MSS20316 Certificate II in Competitive Systems and Practices
- MSS60316 Advanced Diploma of Competitive Systems and Practices.
VPG superseded
MSS Sustainability Release 4 (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 100.89 KBDescription
Release 4.0 of the MSS Sustainability Training Package included the development and revision of units of competency to better support Australian businesses in managing and procuring energy in an efficient and sustainable way. The new units are:
- MSS405087 Investigate energy management as a business issue
- MSS405089 Develop a business case for improved energy management
MSS405086 Develop sustainable energy practices, has been revised and superseded by:
- MSS405088 Plan, implement and monitor energy management.
VPG date
2 May 2023
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide MST Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Training Package Release 5.0(opens in a new window)Word 259.37 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide MST Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Training Package Release 5.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 446.13 KBDescription
This VPG reflects Release 5.0 of the MST Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Training Package which includes:
- 5 revised not equivalent qualifications with code change – the result of merging 12 superseded qualifications
- 5 qualifications have also been revised, recoded and deemed equivalent
- 67 units (non-equivalent) and 54 units (equivalent) have been revised with code change; 65 units have been deleted
- one new unit MSTGN3018 Support sustainable practice in apparel and textile design and production.
VPG superseded
MST Textiles, Clothing and Footwear (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 120.53 KBDescription
This VPG reflects Release 4.0 of the MST Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Training Package which included 2 revised industrial sewing units and one revised qualification (recoded/equivalent):
- MST30220 Certificate III in Manufactured Textile Products
Also included in this VPG are 3 revised (recoded/equivalent) qualifications from Release 3.0 that were held back pending clarification. They are:
- MST20319 Certificate II in Leather Production
- MST30119 Certificate III in Clothing and Textile Production
- MST30519 Certificate III in Leather Production.
This release (4.1) reflects the deletion of 35 units of competency following Ministerial recommendations to remove unused training products.
VPG date
5 October 2022
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide PMA Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining Training Package Release 2.3(opens in a new window)Word 721.19 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide PMA Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining Training Package Release 2.3 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 567.59 KBDescription
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects the PMA Training Package Release 2.3. The VPG reflects the changes responding to the industry request to reinstate 10 units of competency deleted under Release 2.1.
VPG superseded
PMA Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining Release 2.1(Superseded) )(opens in a new window)Word 94.33 KBDescription
Release 2.1 reflects the deletion of 37 units of competency following Ministerial recommendations to remove unused training products.
VPG date
29 March 2021
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide PMB Plastics Rubber and Cablemaking Training Package Release 2.0(opens in a new window)Word 90.56 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide PMB Plastics Rubber and Cablemaking Training Package Release 2.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 218.24 KBDescription
Release 2.0 of the PMB Plastics, Rubber and Cablemaking Training Package reflects a substantial revision to reflect current industry best practices, improve the relevance and reduce duplication across units of competency. 126 units have been revised, with the addition of 2 new units:
- PMBPROD243E Cut rubber materials.
- PMBTECH407E Produce composite products using cored-laminate techniques.
The following obsolete qualification, along with 52 units, has been deleted:
- PMB60116 – Advanced Diploma of Polymer Technology.
VPG superseded
PMB Plastics, Rubber and Cablemaking (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 493.5 KBVPG date
January 2021
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide SFI Seafood Industry Training Package Release 2.0(opens in a new window)Word 98.7 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide SFI Seafood Industry Training Package Release 2.0 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 238.51 KBDescription
Release 2.0 of the SFI Seafood Industry Training Package includes:
- one new qualification, SFI30520 Certificate III in Working with Crocodiles
- 20 new units, 2 revised non-equivalent units and 3 revised equivalent units
- 2 units have been deleted.
VPG superseded
SFI11 Seafood Industry (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 94.63 KBDescription
Release 1.0 of the SFI Seafood Industry Training Package reflects the transitioning of the SFI11 Seafood Industry Training Package to the new Standards for Training Packages.
This Victorian Purchasing Guide also reflects the change from Maximum Nominal Hours to Maximum Payable Hours.
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