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Promoting human rights in government departments

The Victorian Government is committed to building multicultural capacity in our departments and embedding human rights knowledge and practices at every level of government.

All Victorian government departments have contributed to and participated in the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC)-led Charter Education program. The program supports education initiatives that build a culture of human rights across the Victorian public service (VPS).

Initiatives undertaken in individual departments are outlined below.

Department of Education

In 2022–23 DE promoted Human Rights Week and Human Rights Day to staff through its Corporate News. DE encouraged staff to take action and celebrate these events among their teams including taking part in the A week of action for human rights campaign. Also, a personal message from a Deputy Secretary in the department was circulated to recognise these observances and encourage reflection among staff on implementing the Charter in their work.

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

DEECA delivered tailored cultural training to managers, supervisors and staff including:

  • an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety workshop for managers, supervisors, and team leaders through Koorie Heritage Trust
  • Levels of Racism and Anti-racism training from VEOHRC.

The cultural safety workshop was a four-hour program where participants explored aspects of cultural safety and how it applies to them and their workplace.

VEOHRC also provided training to executive-level staff to build capability and understanding of human rights obligations, applying the Charter, managing risk and compliance including understanding frameworks for embedding human right through role modelling, systems, and processes.

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

DFFH’s mandatory induction training includes the e-learning module on the Charter. DFFH acknowledges key events annually that celebrate human rights including:

  • Cultural Diversity Week
  • Harmony Day
  • Human Rights Day
  • International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
  • International Day of People with Disability
  • International Women’s Day
  • NAIDOC Week
  • Reconciliation Week.

Also, Fairer Victoria is leading and influencing policy and program development for diversity and inclusion across the Victorian Government.

All initiatives and policies consider the Charter through design and implementation.

Department of Government Services

All staff at DGS undertake training modules to understand their obligations as Victorian public sector staff under the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.

Also, DGS’ Women Leading Locally initiative directly responds to and supports the right under the Act to take part in public life. It does this by supporting eligible women in Victoria to have the opportunity to participate in the conduct of public affairs, and to have the opportunity to be elected at municipal elections.

Department of Health

Every DH employee has a vital role in promoting a human rights culture in their daily work for the advancement of Victorian communities. Throughout 2022–23 the department remained dedicated to its mandatory human rights e-learn training, focusing on the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.

Developed by the VEOHRC, this training is compulsory for new staff and as a refresher every two years. The course aims to help employees understand their obligations under the Charter and to integrate a human rights culture into their routine work, contributing to improved outcomes for diverse Victorian communities. In 2022–23, 2,780 staff completed the training.

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions

DJSIR is committed to upholding the principles enshrined in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities by actively implementing, promoting, and supporting human rights, including for multicultural communities.

DJSIR supports team members to increase their capacity to make decisions and provide advice consistent with the Charter through tailored learning guides, events, and activities.

To better understand the Charter, DJSIR encourages all staff to complete the first three modules in the VEOHRC online education program:

  • Introducing the Charter
  • Rights and Obligations under the Charter
  • Embedding a Human Rights Culture in Victoria.

The Charter Guide for Public Sector Workers is available on the intranet as a resource to aid team members in understanding their responsibilities under the Charter and how to implement human rights in their work.

The department also acknowledges key events that celebrate human rights including Cultural Diversity Week, Harmony Day, Human Rights Week, and the International Day of Human Rights annually.

Department of Justice and Community Safety

Training on the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act is provided to all Youth Justice operational staff as part of their induction to ensure they understand the rights of children and young people. All training and practice instructions also reflect the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Human Rights Location Leads Group (HRLLG) was established in 2022 to help develop and implement human rights initiatives in Victoria’s public prisons. The HRLLG influences how the Charter of Human Rights is applied to prison operations. It fosters engagement and collaboration across prisons to develop best practice in human rights application and to support staff in their decision making. The HRLLG also promotes a culture of continuous improvement and professional development by reviewing processes through a human rights lens. The group focuses on initiatives and actions that members are responsible for implementing, embedding and overseeing in their respective locations. The HRLLG oversees local human rights action plans to ensure each prison effectively considers human rights in local decision making in the custodial setting.

The Human Rights Network was established in 2021 to consider and collaborate on human rights issues that have an impact on the adult custodial corrections system. The objective of the Human Rights Network is to support HRLLG members in implementing human rights location action plans and increasing awareness and education of human rights among Corrections Victoria staff. The network comprises representatives from across Corrections Victoria who act as human rights champions across the state.

Department of Premier and Cabinet

DPC’s mandatory induction training includes the e-learning module on the Charter. DPC also acknowledges key annual events that celebrate human rights including:

  • Cultural Diversity Week
  • Harmony Day
  • Human Rights Day
  • International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
  • International Day of People with Disability
  • International Women’s Day
  • NAIDOC Week
  • Reconciliation Week.

Department of Transport and Planning

All staff are required to complete e-learning modules on the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. This includes a specific module for people leaders in the organisation. Also, in 2022–23, two in-person Charter Education Program sessions were provided to the Legal and Governance Division and the Inclusion and Diversity Branch.

DTP acknowledges key annual events that celebrate human rights including:

  • International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
  • International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
  • International Day of People with Disability
  • International Women’s Day
  • NAIDOC Week.

Department of Treasury and Finance

Commitment to the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities forms part of the VPS values and is highlighted for all new staff during the department’s corporate induction.

DTF continues to include the Charter learning modules as part of its mandatory induction and compliance training. The online Charter training is mandatory for new starters, and refresher training is required every two years for all employees. During 2022–23, 286 employees completed the online training. The online training is complemented with VEOHRC-facilitated interactive training.

In 2022–23 DTF promoted Human Rights Week during the week beginning 3 December.
