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Employment assistance and career development

CareerSeekers Internship

The CareerSeekers Internship initiative supported people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds to undertake professional work-readiness training by partnering with Major Roads Projects Victoria and the Level Crossing Removal Project (DTP: $0.15m in 2022–23). This targeted recruitment approach supported four interns to complete a 12-week paid internship through Major Roads Projects Victoria’s Internship and Graduate Program and four interns to undertake a six-month internship with the Level Crossing Removal Project from October 2022 to April 2023.

Engineering Pathways Industry Cadetship

Delivered by Major Roads Projects Victoria, the 2022–23 Engineering Pathways Industry Cadetship program supported 20 participants from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds to gain industry experience to improve employment opportunities (DTP: $0.15m in 2022–23). Participants gained experience in the civil construction industry through placements on major civil construction projects with qualified engineers to guide and mentor them. The 2022–23 cadetship program received the Refugee Advocacy Award at the Victorian Multicultural Commission’s 2022 Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence.

Women Leading Locally

The Women Leading Locally initiative supported 21 culturally and linguistically diverse women to undertake 10 masterclasses with optional supplementary classes to build leadership capabilities and experience (DGS: $0.27m in 2022–23). The Institute of Community Directors Australia delivers the initiative in partnership with Women for Election and Politics in Colour. Participants also received mentoring sessions and a Certificate in Community Leadership and Governance (Local Government) on graduation.

DTF Diversity Scholarship

DTF’s Diversity Scholarship 2022–23 supported two scholarship recipients to undertake tertiary study. These scholarships provide mentoring, financial support, and an opportunity to take part in a work placement with DTF.

Skilled and Business Migration Program

The Victorian Skilled and Business Migration Program supported skilled and business migrants and newly arrived qualified professionals with visa nomination services, market outreach, Commonwealth policy advocacy and free overseas qualifications assessments. These services were also provided to humanitarian visa holders.

Jobs Victoria Program

The Jobs Victoria Program provided targeted mentoring and support for culturally diverse Victorians who faced challenges finding work. In 2022–23 the program delivered free employment services in 70 languages. Participants from multicultural backgrounds represented 53.9 per cent of total job placements.

Digital Jobs program

The Digital Jobs program is developing a new talent pool by reskilling mid-career workers to help them transition into digital and technology-related careers. In 2022–23 program participants completed 12 weeks of industry-backed training and received career coaching, employability support and opportunities to apply their new digital skills in paid 12-week work placements within a variety of businesses. Participants from multicultural backgrounds represented 64 per cent of total program enrolments.

Case study

Digital Jobs Program

When Ghada Mahmoud moved to Melbourne from Egypt in 2017 with her young family, she found it difficult to find professional work despite having a telecommunications engineering background.

Then she heard about the Victorian Government’s Digital Jobs Program:

I hoped Digital Jobs would help me get the skills and confidence I needed to start a new career in Australia.

Through Digital Jobs, Ghada enrolled in a free 12-week training course in cloud computing. She found that she could fit her online course and study around raising and caring for her children. She dedicated two hours per day to study after her children went to sleep.

After completing training, Ghada secured a paid work placement with one of Australia’s major consulting companies. Her mature attitude and transferable skills from her previous career impressed managers enough to offer her an ongoing role.

She said:

I would have never dreamed of being able to work in a career like this, especially with two young kids. I feel so supported and I’m excited for this next step in my career.
