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Celebrating culture

Multicultural festivals and events

The Multicultural Festivals and Events Program funded 458 multicultural community organisations in metropolitan and regional Victoria to help them deliver culturally significant festivals and events (DFFH: $2.80m in 2022–23). The program supports Victorians to celebrate, preserve and share traditions and is an opportunity for the broader community to further understand and participate in shared cultures and traditions.

Multicultural Seniors Support Program

The Multicultural Seniors Support Program supported more than 990 multicultural seniors organisations to foster connection and reduce social isolation (DFFH: $2.00m in 2022–23). The program funded organisations to:

  • deliver social and cultural activities
  • improve digital accessibility and literacy
  • provide practical support
  • purchase essential equipment and resources for members.

Youth Engagement Grants

The Youth Engagement Grants supported small multicultural organisations with funding up to $50,000 over two years to deliver activities for children and young people to increase community connections (DJCS: $0.85m in 2022–23). These grants helped 34 organisations to deliver projects that use cultural connection, sport, arts, music, and other creative activities to engage more than 3,000 children and young people.

Case studies

2022 African Music and Cultural Festival

The African Music and Cultural Festival celebrated its ninth year as the largest African festival in Australia. The event aims to promote cross-cultural awareness and foster intercultural relationships. More than 35 African-Australian communities and organisations were involved in the festival. More than 40,000 people attended the event, which was free and inclusive and reached metropolitan, regional, and interstate attendees.

Through the 2022–23 Multicultural Festivals and Events program the organisation was awarded $50,000 to run the three-day festival at Federation Square, Melbourne from 18 to 20 November. The multilayered festival program had cultural performances and artists who displayed dance, music, fashion, and drumming lessons, as well as offering face painting and street food.

2023 Holi Bendigo (Festival of Colours)

More than 1,600 people from different ethnic backgrounds and faiths attended the 2023 Holi Bendigo (Festivals of Colours) event in Golden Square Pool on 4 March. The festival is a free and inclusive family-friendly event with live music and free food. It includes the iconic use of coloured gulal powder and water, a hallmark for this colourful festival. The event aims to celebrate the traditions of Hindu people with the broader community in central Victoria, promoting social cohesion in the region.

Through the 2022–23 Multicultural Festivals and Events program, the Golden Square Pool was awarded $50,000 to deliver this popular festival. The organisation delivered the event in partnership with the Indian Association of Bendigo Inc. to demonstrate the vibrancy of Bendigo’s growing multicultural community.
