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Appendix 1: Multicultural representation on government boards, authorities and committees


Table 7: Composition of Victorian Government boards as at 30 June 2023
Number of boards as at June 2023366
Board appointments3,284
Culturally diverse appointments1,041
Culturally diverse percentage of boards31.7%

Appointments and reappointments to boards

Table 8: Appointments and reappointments to Victorian Government boards as at 30 June 2023
Number of boards with new appointments or reappointments in 2022–23253
New appointments or reappointments1279
Culturally diverse appointments or reappointments383
Culturally diverse percentage of appointments and reappointments30.0%

Proportion of appointments with culturally diverse backgrounds

Table 9: Year-on-year proportion of Victorian government department board appointments or members with culturally diverse backgrounds
DepartmentAt 30 June 2023 (%)At 30 June 2022 (%)
Department of Education25.633.9
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action34.137.4
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing30.226.2
Department of Government Services15.1N/A[2]
Department of Health32.130.6
Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions35.337.0
Department of Justice and Community Safety30.432.0
Department of Premier and Cabinet18.519.7
Department of Transport and Planning35.726.9
Department of Treasury and Finance17.820.3

Department of Government Services: no data is available for the 2021–22 period because the department was established on 1 January 2023.


Data for tables 7 to 9 provided by VPSC. Data exclude cemeteries, school councils and small committees of Crown Land Management. Where the Public Administration Act 2004 status is neither public entity nor special body, and where DPC classification is not applicable, the data is not reported. Figures may differ to previously published data for prior years due to ongoing remediation, increased completeness of data or an appointee’s decision to disclose or no longer disclose additional characteristics. Data include machinery of government changes, which can affect departmental figures compared with numbers in publications and reports in previous years.
