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Connecting communities to culturally significant spaces

Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund

The Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund supported 32 community organisations to create and maintain their culturally significant spaces and facilities (DFFH: $6.40m in 2022–23). The program recognises that multicultural communities need safe, accessible and culturally accessible spaces to increase community connectedness and share cultural understanding.

DTP Community Funds Initiative

DTP’s Community Funds Initiative supported community projects and groups in areas affected by the North East Link Program and the West Gate Tunnel Project.

In 2022–23 the following grants were awarded to multicultural community organisations:

  • The InPlace Inc Project was funded $100,000 to support redevelopment of the Garambi Baan/Laughing Waters residency centre through the North East Community Fund.
  • Australian Multicultural Community Services Inc was funded $500,000 to upgrade the Millennium House into a multicultural community hub in Footscray through the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund.
  • The East African Women’s Foundation Inc was funded $70,000 in 2022–23 to upgrade its premises to include space for social and cultural gatherings through the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund.

Case study

Nepali Community Centre upgrades

The Nepali community is considered ‘emerging’ because they are still a growing community in Victoria. While the community had an existing facility for religious and cultural celebrations, it was not equipped to handle larger events due to limited access to amenities such as temple rooms, toilets, a kitchen, and parking.

Through the 2022–23 Multicultural Community Infrastructure program, the Australian Nepalese Multicultural Centre received $281,587 to deliver building upgrades to the centre. Renovations started in July 2022 and included new temple rooms, a peaceful meditation room, functional office space, upgraded toilets and a fit-for-purpose kitchen. Large parking facilities and specially designed disability accessible toilets were also constructed to improve accessibility. A large space at the rear of the main building was revamped to provide an outdoor area for hosting events.

The facility has now become a vibrant hub for celebrating cultural and religious events. The project has also provided a space for community members to practise their faith, meditation, and yoga. The project has strengthened community bonds by providing a shared space for community members to connect, build relationships and share experiences. This project has also enabled the Nepalese community to maintain their traditions for future generations while fostering interfaith dialogue between different religions.
