We will do this work in partnership with Aboriginal people. We will listen to people who have experienced violence, including children and young people. We will draw on the expertise of people working to prevent and respond to family violence across Victoria.
The work of Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor will also help us.
The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor (FVRIM) was set up as an independent statutory officer of the Parliament after the Royal Commission Commission into Family Violence (the Royal Commission). Its task was to monitor and review how we implemented the Royal Commission recommendations.
The FVRIM completed its monitoring program this year. It released its final report in January 2023.
The FVRIM’s insights and suggested actions will shape our approach to the next stage of reform in Victoria.
Every level of government – national, state and local – has a job to do to help end family violence.
Across Victoria, many councils are actively working to prevent violence through the vital services they provide to local communities.
At the national level, action is being taken under the new 10-year National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022–2032 (the national plan). The five priorities set out in this document have been developed to align with the national plan. If we combine our efforts with the efforts of other governments, we can be more effective. We know that the same attitudes and behaviours drive violence against women across Australia. That violence doesn’t stop at state borders.
