The five areas of focus outlined in this document will guide our work over the coming years. They will help us build on the strong foundations we now have in place. They will also help us to address gaps and strengthen our approach.
Ending family violence in Victoria will require a whole-of-community effort. We all have a role to play. We invite you to help shape this next phase of this work.
We want to work with you to develop the actions that will underpin each of these five focus areas. This includes people who have experienced family violence and those who have used it. It includes people who work to prevent and respond to family violence, and people across government at every level. It includes, Aboriginal people, people of every age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, faith, ability, caring responsibility and perspective.
This document is intended to guide these conversations. Together, with your input, the third and final Rolling Action Plan 2024-2026 under Ending family violence: Victoria's 10-year plan for change will tell us how we are going to deliver on these priorities and focus areas.
If you would like to get involved, head to Engage Victoria until the end of February 2024.
