We will set out how we will deliver these priorities in the third and final Rolling Action Plan 2024-2026 under the 10-year plan. This plan will be released in 2024.
Drive down family and sexual violence
To achieve our vision of ending family and sexual violence, we need to stop people using violence and abuse in the first place.
Focus on children and young people
Children and young people are still developing their identities, values and behaviours.
Strengthen support for victim survivors
All Victorians should be able to get the support they need. It should be accessible, inclusive, culturally safe and tailored to their individual needs.
Respond to change
Our work to prevent and respond to family and sexual violence must not become stuck in a particular moment in time.
Understand and demonstrate our impact
Improving how we prevent and respond to family violence is not enough. We need to be confident our approach is working and understand why it is working.
