Preventing family violence
- More than 1,950 Victorian schools, including all government schools, provide the Respectful Relationships initiative to support children and young people to build healthy relationships.
- 37,500 school staff and 3,800 early childhood educators have participated in the Respectful Relationships professional learning.
- An evaluation of Respect Victoria’s June 2021 Call it Out campaign found that almost half (49 per cent) felt the advertisement helped them better understand the importance of respecting women, and 51 per cent felt it made them more comfortable to talk about what respect means with others.
- More than 250 prevention initiatives have been launched in the places where Victorians live, work, learn and play.
Supporting victim survivors
- 14 new ‘core and cluster’ refuges provide safe and private independent unit accommodation to victim survivors, with more in development.
- 8,000 Flexible Support Packages were provided to victim survivors in 2021–22, giving them the opportunity to direct their own pathway to safety, healing and independence.
- 303,000 people, including 136,000 children, have accessed support through The Orange Door network since it commenced operation in 2018.
Intervening with people who use violence
- 25,980 people using violence have engaged in perpetrator interventions since July 2017.
- Approximately 1,040 children and young people, and their families, participate in the Adolescent Family Violence in The Home program each year.
Strengthening police and justice responses
- 13 new Specialist Family Violence Courts are operating across Victoria providing specialised and trauma-informed support and infrastructure.
- 29 specialist Victoria Police Family Violence Investigation Units are operating across Victoria.
- 18,096 family violence training qualifications were obtained through the Victoria Policy Academy’s Centre of Learning for Family Violence since its commencement in 2019.
Sharing information and managing risk
- More than 20,400 reports on perpetrators have been produced through the Central Information point since it commenced in April 2018.
- More than 107,000 professionals from over 6,000 government and non-government organisations have undertaken training to identify and manage family violence risk since 2018.
- Since commencement of the Family Violence Information Sharing (FVIS) Scheme in 2018, information about family violence has been shared more than 118,000 times by key government agencies alone.
- More than 300 Aboriginal-led projects have been funded under the Aboriginal Community Initiatives Fund.
- 5 Aboriginal sexual assault support services are using culturally safe healing approaches to respond to the needs of Aboriginal victim survivors of sexual violence.
Embedding lived experience
- 34 victim survivors have contributed to the Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council through three councils since 2016.
Supporting diverse communities
- More than 7,300 people across 45 multicultural and five faith communities have been engaged through the Supporting Multicultural and Faith Communities to Prevent Family Violence Grant Program.
Building a strong workforce
- An estimated 2,000 new workers have been added to the family violence workforce since 2014.
- 1,789 students have undertaken placements through the Enhanced Pathways to Family Violence Work program.
- 444 trainees and graduates have participated in the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Traineeship and Graduate Programs.
