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Domain 3: Visibility to inform decision making

Logic model overview

Problem statement

There is a gap in our understanding of the needs of LGBTIQA+ communities. This means we do not understand who is using our services. We do not know enough about the gaps and problems with service delivery. In addition, data collection in services may not be safe and potentially do not reflect how LGBTIQA+ people identify.


To improve LGBTIQA+ data collection to build evidence so we know how LGBTIQA+ Victorians experience all parts of their lives.

Actions and outputs – early actions

Develop an LGBTIQA+ strategy outcomes framework to measure impact and progress. Outcomes framework completed and put in place across Government.
Support key LGBTIQA+ data and research to build the evidence base for effective and inclusive services.At least one LGBTIQA+ data and research project funded each year.
Improve Victorian Government data standards and support resources, including for funded services.Best practice standards and guidelines for data collection published across all government departments and services.
Support tools and training for VPS senior leaders to create LGBTIQA+ inclusive workplaces.All VPS people managers have access to LGBTIQA+ inclusive resources.

Actions and outputs – within 10 years

Support data collection across government to be inclusive and appropriate.Best practice data collection standards in place in all government departments.
Increase diverse LGBTIQA+ representation on Victorian Government boards.All Victorian Government boards specify requirements for LGBTIQA+ representation.
Ongoing support for LGBTIQA+ communities’ voice to government, such as the LGBTIQA+ Taskforce and other advisory groups. Continue all key advisory groups and create new ones.
Continue the work of the Commissioner for LGBTIQA+ Communities as a crucial role in advocating for improved LGBTIQA+ outcomes across government.Commissioner’s role is sustained, and Commissioner meets with all other relevant state Commissioners.


  • Improved data collection standards for government and government-funded services (3.1.1)
  • Improved participation in data collection by LGBTIQA+ Victorians (3.1.2)
  • Improved evidence base for effective and inclusive services (3.1.3)
  • Increased sharing of data between agencies about LGBTIQA+ Victorians (3.2.1)
  • Increased LGBTIQA+ representation in government decision making (3.2.2)
  • More policy and data collection resources designed with LGBTIQA+ people in mind (3.2.3)



  • Data collection about LGBTIQA+ people is appropriate and effective for building an evidence base (3.1)
  • Decision making affecting LGBTIQA+ people is evidence-based (3.2)

Domain 3 outcome

Policies and services designed with LGBTIQA+ needs in mind.

Sign of impact

Increase in LGBTIQA+ inclusive data collection across all Victorian Government initiatives, programs and services (as measured in outcome indicator 3.1.1).

Outcomes, indicators and measures

Outcome 3.1: Data collection about LGBTIQA+ people is appropriate and effective for building an evidence base

Outcome indicator 3.1.1: Improved data collection standards for government and government-funded services

This outcome indicator aligns with the Gender equality strategy.

MeasureData source
Proportion of Victorian Government departments and agencies using Victorian Government LGBTIQA+ data standardsVictorian Government
Proportion of sampled VPS datasets using Victorian Government LGBTIQA+ data standardsVictorian Government
Proportion of sampled government-funded services using Victorian Government LGBTIQA+ data standardsVictorian Government
Proportion of VPS staff who have done LGBTIQA+ data training and who feel they understand safe, inclusive and appropriate LGBTIQA+ data collectionVictorian Government

Outcome indicator 3.1.2: Improved participation in data collection by LGBTIQA+ Victorians

MeasureData source
Rate of non-response across all Victorian Government datasets for sexual orientation, gender identity or sex characteristicsVictorian Government
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians comfortable identifying their LGBTIQA+ status during government or services data collectionTo be determined

Outcome indicator 3.1.3: Improved evidence base for effective and inclusive services

MeasureData source
Increased availability of research, evidence collection and publication to inform LGBTIQA+ policy responsesVictorian Government
Proportion of sampled VPS datasets that collect LGBTIQA+ demographic data that include data points for sex, gender, sexuality and sex characteristics, where valuableVictorian Government

Outcome 3.2: Decision making affecting LGBTIQA+ people is evidence-based

Outcome indicator 3.2.1: Increased interagency data sharing about LGBTIQA+ Victorians

For example, the Prevention of Family Violence Data Platform, the Integrated Reports and Information System used by Child FIRST and Family Services to record client and service data.

MeasureData source
Number of Victorian Government data platforms that draw on interagency LGBTIQA+ data.Victorian Government

Outcome indicator 3.2.2: Increased LGBTIQA+ representation in government decision making

This outcome indicator aligns with the government’s Diversity on Victorian Government Boards Guidelines.

MeasureData source
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ members on Victorian Government boardsVictorian Government
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who feel they have a real say on issues important to themVictorian Population Health Survey
Number of policies, programs, strategies and plans sent to the LGBTIQA+ Taskforce and the Justice and Health and Wellbeing Working Groups for consultation each yearVictorian Government

Outcome indicator 3.2.3: More policy and data collection resources designed with LGBTIQA+ people in mind

This outcome indicator aligns with the government’s Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework and Blueprint for Action.

MeasureData source
Proportion of Victorian Government departments or statutory bodies with diversity action plans or similar that are on track with deliveryVictorian Government
Proportion of relevant Victorian Government outcomes frameworks that include measures relating to LGBTIQA+ communitiesVictorian Government
Rainbow colours symbolising the LGBTIQA+ community
