Logic model overview
Problem statement
Barriers to service access, including anticipated discrimination, can have negative outcomes on the health and mental health of LGBTIQA+ Victorians.
To make all government-funded services accessible, safe and effective for all LGBTIQA+ Victorians.
Actions and outputs – early actions
Actions | Outputs |
Improve the understanding of LGBTIQA+ specialist and mainstream services in the provision of adequate supports for LGBTIQA+ communities | Audit report of LGBTIQA+ specialist services and mainstream services initiatives across health, mental health, housing, homelessness and family violence sectors |
Embed LGBTIQA+ voices in the diverse communities’ mental health and wellbeing framework and governance model | LGBTIQA+ communities consulted on framework needs |
Implement (i) Am Equal: Future directions for Victoria’s intersex community with resources and supports to improve the health and wellbeing of people with an intersex variation | All (i) Am Equal: Future directions for Victoria’s intersex community implemented |
Ensure relationship, sexuality and consent education is LGBTIQA+ inclusive, including supporting resources | Number of LGBTIQA+ inclusive relationship, sexuality and consent education materials in public education |
Develop LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing Action Plan to improve health and wellbeing outcomes | Number of LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing Action Plan actions implemented |
Build the capacity of Jobs Victoria service providers to support pathways to employment for LGBTIQA+ jobseekers | Training or capability strengthening activities delivered across Jobs Victoria service providers |
Improve LGBTIQA+ inclusion in family violence and sexual assault sector, including addressing key service gaps and strengthening LGBTIQA+ capability | Sector-wide training or capability strengthening activities delivered across family violence and sexual assault services |
Improve public fertility care access for LGBTIQA+ families by delivering on recommendations from the Review of Assisted Reproductive Treatment in Victoria | All relevant Assisted Reproductive Treatment Review recommendations put in place |
Support LGBTIQA+ inclusive employment practices, including resources and supports for employers | Number of LGBTIQA+ inclusive employment practices and resources provided to employers |
Implement the recommendations of the from review into decriminalising sex work in Victoria | All recommendations from review into decriminalising sex work implemented |
Support young LGBTIQA+ people to foster connections with peers and older LGBTIQA+ communities | A government-supported community connection initiative delivered under the youth strategy |
Actions and outputs – within 10 years
Actions | Outputs |
Develop LGBTIQA+ inclusive resources and provide targeted access to LGBTIQA+ inclusion training for mainstream services | LGBTIQA+ inclusive resources developed and provided to mainstream services |
Improve LGBTIQA+ inclusion in government-funded mainstream services through the implementation of best practice standards for service delivery | Mainstream services funded by the Victorian Government completed inclusion training and accreditation |
Support the capability building and sustainability of the LGBTIQA+ community-led sector to continue support for LGBTIQA+ Victorians | Continued support for the LGBTIQA+ community-led sector |
Support health and wellbeing supports for trans and gender diverse communities in Victoria, through clinical and peer support services | Continued support of clinical and peer-support services for trans and gender diverse communities |
Co-design services with LGBTIQA+ communities and organisations | Relevant Government funded services are co-designed with LGBTIQA+ communities and organisations |
- Increased commitment of mainstream services to be LGBTIQA+ inclusive (2.1.1)
- Improved availability of inclusive and affirming services (2.1.2)
- Increased number of services designed with LGBTIQA+ people in mind (2.2.1)
- Increased satisfaction with services (2.2.2)
- Increased effectiveness of health and wellbeing services (2.3.1)
- Improved mental and physical health outcomes for LGBTIQA+ people (2.3.2)
- Services are inclusive, affirming and available to LGBTIQA+ people (2.1)
- Equitable and effective services are provided to LGBTIQA+ people (2.2)
- Health and wellbeing services support LGBTIQA+ people to live the life they want (2.3)
Domain 2 outcome
LGBTIQA+ Victorians experience improved health and wellbeing.
Sign of impact
The number LGBTIQA+ people attempting suicide in the past 12 months has decreased from 5.2% of adults and 9.4% of young Victorians1.
Outcomes, indicators and measures
These outcome indicators align with the government’s health, mental health and wellbeing strategies and plans including including Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework and Blueprint for Action; Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan (2022–2026); and Korin Korin Balit-Djak: Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety strategic plan (2017–2027).
Outcome 2.1: Services are inclusive, affirming and available
Outcome indicator 2.1.1: Increased commitment of mainstream services to be LGBTIQA+ inclusive
Measure | Data source |
Number of services who have signed up for or achieved Rainbow Tick accreditation | Rainbow Health Australia |
Number of services that have completed the How2 inclusion training program or similar LGBTIQA+ inclusion training | Rainbow Health Australia and/or Victorian Government and services reporting |
Proportion of Victorian Government funding agreements that include criteria that address LGBTIQA+ inclusion | Victorian Government |
Outcome indicator 2.1.2: Improved availability of inclusive and affirming services
Measure | Data source |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who report that they have access to inclusive and affirming services when required | To be determined |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who report that they receive inclusive and affirming treatment at mainstream services | To be determined |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who report that they have experienced discrimination in the health system in the past 12 months | Victorian Population Health Survey (Note the Victorian Population Health Survey is completed every 3 years) |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ people who report a preference to access inclusive mainstream services in the future | To be determined |
Outcome 2.2: Equitable and effective services are provided to LGBTIQA+ people
Outcome indicator 2.2.1: Increased number of services designed with LGBTIQA+ people in mind
The data sources could include a survey of services or contract managers, family violence workforce census or other survey administered by the Centre for Workforce Excellence.
Measure | Data source |
Proportion of services designed for LGBTIQA+ people, by service type | To be determined |
Proportion of services with practice guidelines that consider LGBTIQA+ people | To be determined |
Outcome indicator 2.2.2: Increased satisfaction with services
Any data collection created for this indicator would need to acknowledge multiple components of inclusivity.
Measure | Data source |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who report they feel services they have used or are referred to are inclusive | To be determined |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians satisfied that services meet their needs | To be determined |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who have not engaged with a service due to their LGBTIQA+ status or identity | To be determined |
Outcome 2.3: Health and wellbeing services support LGBTIQA+ people to live the life they want
Outcome indicator 2.3.1: Increased effectiveness of health and wellbeing services
Measure | Data source |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who accessed Victorian public health, mental health or wellbeing services in the past 12 months who felt their sexual orientation or gender identity was respected | To be determined |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who believe their sexual orientation or gender identity did not negatively affect the quality of health and wellbeing services they received in the past 12 months | To be determined |
Outcome indicator 2.3.2: Improved mental and physical health outcomes for LGBTIQA+ people
Note the government monitors HIV-related outcomes through the HIV and sexual health strategies.
Measure | Data source |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who experience life satisfaction, compared with non-LGBTIQA+ Victorians | Victorian Population Health Survey |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who self-report high or very high levels of psychological distress in the previous four weeks | Private Lives |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who feel that life is worthwhile, compared with non-LGBTIQA+ Victorians | Victorian Population Health Survey |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who have attempted or died by suicide in the past 12 months | Private Lives |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who have experienced suicidal ideation in the past 12 months | Private Lives |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who report alcohol, other drugs or tobacco misuse | Private Lives |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians whose self-rated general health status was excellent or very good, compared with non-LGBTIQA+ Victorians | Victorian Population Health Survey |
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ young people who report self-harm in the past 12 months | Writing Themselves In |
[1] Hill, A. O., Bourne, A., McNair, R., Carman, M. & Lyons, A. (2021). Private Lives 3: The health and wellbeing of LGBTQ people in Victoria: Victoria summary report. ARCSHS Monograph Series No. 130. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.
