Problem statement
LGBTIQA+ Victorians still experience unacceptable levels of discrimination and inequality in their everyday lives. This can create negative outcomes for the 11% of Victorian adults who identify as LGBTIQA+1. These include negative social, health, wellbeing and economic outcomes.
Pride in our future provides the vision and plan to drive equality and inclusion for LGBTIQA+ communities. It sets out what the Victorian Government will do over the next 10 years.
A note on language
The logic model contains shorter descriptions of key actions, outputs, indicators and outcomes. We did this to make the information easier to read.
The domain-specific sections of the outcomes framework include the full descriptions.
Outcomes and measures consider intersectionality wherever possible.
Key actions
Domain 1: Equal rights and freedoms
- Reform laws
- Deliver Justice and Victoria Police action plans
Domain 2: Equitable, inclusive and accessible services
- Keep providing health and wellbeing support for trans and gender diverse people
- Address gaps in support services
- Develop the capabilities of service providers
Domain 3: Visibility to inform decision making
- Provide best practice standards and tools for Victorian Government inclusion
- Deliver and implement an outcomes framework
- Make sure government boards have LGBTIQA+ representatives and continue to support LGBTIQA+ advisory groups
Domain 4: Safe, strong and sustainable communities
- Deliver statewide campaigns and events
- Ensure the Victorian Public Service (VPS) is inclusive for LGBTIQA+ staff
- Improve inclusion across all government policies and programs
Domain 1: Equal rights and freedoms
- All proposed legislative reforms completed
- All action plans implemented
Domain 2: Equitable, inclusive and accessible services
- Clinical and peer support services continued for trans and gender diverse people
- Services funded by the Victorian Government audited
- Services funded by the Victorian Government completed statewide LGBTIQA+ inclusion training
Domain 3: Visibility to inform decision making
- Best practice standards for data collection across departments and services published
- Outcomes framework is in place and implemented
- All Victorian Government boards and advisory groups have LGBTIQA+ representation and LGBTIQA+ advisory groups continue
Domain 4: Safe, strong and sustainable communities
- LGBTIQA+ campaigns and community-led events delivered
- Interdepartmental processes and practices for VPS employees who identify as LGBTIQA+
- The Equality portfolio continues to provide input on better policies, programs and services
Outcome indicators
Domain 1: Equal rights and freedoms
- Decreased laws that discriminate and increased protections
- More positive awareness and experiences of the justice system, including Victoria Police
- Enhanced law- and policy-making processes identify and respond to the needs of the LGBTIQA+ community
Domain 2: Equitable, inclusive and accessible services
- Increased satisfaction with and effectiveness of health and wellbeing services
- Improved mental and physical health outcomes
- Increased the capacity of mainstream services to include LGBTIQA+ people
Domain 3: Visibility to inform decision making
- Improved data collection across government and government-funded sectors
- Increased representation in government decision making
- Improved the evidence base for effective and inclusive services
Domain 4: Safe, strong and sustainable communities
- Decreased rates of discrimination, harassment, physical abuse and family violence
- Improved public education, celebration and representation of LGBTIQA+ communities
- Increased safety, social inclusion, participation and economic security
- Data collection builds an evidence base (3.1)
- Decision making is evidence-based (3.2)
Sign of impact:
- Increased LGBTIQA+ data collection across government and non-government sectors
- Laws and policies uphold human rights and freedoms (1.1)
- Safe and effective access to justice (1.2)
- Services are inclusive, affirming and available (2.1)
- Fair and effective services are provided (2.2)
- Health and wellbeing services support LGBTIQA+ people to live the life they want (2.3)
Signs of impact:
- Reduction in experiences of discrimination from 34%4
- Reduction in people attempting suicide from 5% of adults and 9% of young people5
- Free from harassment, abuse, hate speech and discrimination (4.1)
- Safety and security in everyday life (4.2)
- Victoria’s communities are welcoming and inclusive (4.3)
Sign of impact:
- Increase in LGBTIQA+ people feeling valued by society from 41%6
[1] LGBTIQA+ analysis internal Victorian Government data.
[2] D.J. Higgins et al. (2024) Prevalence of Diverse Genders and Sexualities in Australia and Associations with Five Forms of Child Maltreatment and Multi-type Maltreatment, Child Maltreatment, Vol. 0(0) 1-21, Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Victorian Agency for Health Information (2020) Victorian Population Health Survey 2020, Victorian Government, accessed 20 August 2024.
[5] Hill, A. O., Bourne, A., McNair, R., Carman, M. & Lyons, A. (2021). Private Lives 3: The health and wellbeing of LGBTQ people in Victoria: Victoria summary report. ARCSHS Monograph Series No. 130. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.
[6] Victorian Agency for Health Information (2020) Victorian Population Health Survey 2020, Victorian Government, accessed 20 August 2024.
