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Domain 1: Equal rights and freedoms

Logic model overview

Problem statement

LGBTIQA+ people do not have the same protections and freedoms as other Victorians. Many LGBTIQA+ people have experienced trauma from Victorian laws and legal institutions. This may be due to historic wrongs, present inequalities or through a lack of recognition and inclusion. They may face discrimination and may not feel safe talking to police.


Strengthen existing legal protections for LGBTIQA+ Victorians and ensure we create laws with an equity lens to benefit all Victorians.

Actions and outputs

Deliver on the Government’s commitment to narrow religious exceptions under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010Equal Opportunity Act 2010 amendments passed
Reform anti-vilification laws to respond to the needs of LGBTIQA+ VictoriansAnti-vilification laws passed
Implement Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021 enacted
Support specialist legal services for LGBTIQA+ Victorians who experience discrimination and disadvantage associated with their sexuality or gender identityStrengthened specialist legal services
Develop and deliver the LGBTIQA+ Justice Action Plan to improve outcomes for LGBTIQA+ VictoriansLGBTIQA+ Justice Action Plan implemented
Deliver improved police responses to LGBTIQA+ communities, including implementing the Victoria Police LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan and providing access to LGBTIQA+ awareness and sensitivity training for Victoria Police staffVictoria Police LGBTIQA+ inclusion strategy and action plan put in place and all Victoria Police staff can access LGBTIQA+ awareness and sensitivity training


  • Reduced laws and practices that are unfair, discriminatory, detrimental or harmful (1.1.1)
  • Laws and policies identify and respond to LGBTIQA+ people’s needs (1.1.2)
  • Improved protections from religious discrimination (1.1.3)
  • Increased awareness of justice services and responsiveness to LGBTIQA+ people’s legal needs (1.2.1)
  • Reduced experiences of harm in the prison system (1.2.2)
  • Improved police responses to LGBTIQA+ Victorians (1.2.3)



  • A more empowering legislative environment upholding the human rights and freedoms of LGBTIQA+ people (1.1)
  • LGBTIQA+ people have safe and effective ways to access justice (1.2)

Domain 1 outcome

Victoria’s legal and justice systems uphold the equal rights of LGBTIQA+ Victorians.

Sign of impact

  • LGBTIQA+ people’s experience of discrimination reduces from its current rate of 34.2%1.

Outcomes, indicators and measures

Outcome 1.1: A more empowering legislative environment upholding the human rights and freedoms of LGBTIQA+ people

Outcome indicator 1.1.1: Reduced laws or practices that are unfair, discriminatory, detrimental or harmful

MeasureData source
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who have experienced discrimination or unfair legislative policies and practices due to their sexual orientation, gender or sex characteristics (including how many times, nature of concern).To be determined
Complaints made to the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC) on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity or sex characteristics (including number of complaints and nature of discrimination) LGBTIQA+ mattersVictorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
Proportion of recommendations from review into decriminalising sex work put in placeDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Proportion of successful applications to change gender identity on Births, Deaths and Marriages documents, including a parent changing a child's ID documentsBirths, Deaths and Marriages Victoria
Number of reports to Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission relating to harmful change or suppression practicesVictorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
Number of investigations undertaken by Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission regarding change and suppression practicesVictorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission

Outcome indicator 1.1.2: Laws and policies identify and respond to LGBTIQA+ people’s needs

MeasureData source
Number of policies or laws brought for consultation to the Commissioner for LGBTIQA+ Communities, LGBTIQA+ Taskforce, associated working groups or broader LGBTIQA+ communitiesDepartment of Families, Fairness and Housing
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who self-report they are protected by the law, compared with non-LGBTIQA+ VictoriansTo be determined

Outcome indicator 1.1.3: Improved protections from religious discrimination

MeasureData source
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission inquiries relating to LGBTIQA+ experiences of religious discrimination in the past 12 months (including number and nature of inquiries) Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
Number of complaints to Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission about LGBTIQA+ discrimination in religious organisations or educational organisations Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
Number of cases in Victorian courts relating to LGBTIQA+ experiences of religious discriminationVictorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission

Outcome 1.2: LGBTIQA+ people have safe and effective ways to access justice

Outcome indictor 1.2.1: Increased awareness of justice services and responsiveness to LGBTIQA+ people’s legal needs

MeasureData source
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who report that they have received responsive legal services in relation to their status as LGBTIQA+ To be determined
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who self-report they know where to go for legal adviceTo be determined

Outcome indictor 1.2.2: Reduced experiences of harm in the prison system

This outcome indicator aligns with the findings of the Cultural Review of the Adult Custodial Corrections System.

MeasureData source
Measure aligned with the action plan based on the Corrections cultural review reportDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Proportion of trans, gender diverse or intersex prisoners placed according to their nominated genderDepartment of Justice and Community Safety

Outcome indictor 1.2.3: Improved police responses to LGBTIQA+ Victorians

This outcome indicator aligns with the findings of the Cultural Review of the Adult Custodial Corrections System.

MeasureData source
Number of complaints by LGBTIQA+ Victorians about discriminatory police behaviour on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity or sex characteristicsVictoria Police, Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission or Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission
Proportion of LGBTIQA+ Victorians who are comfortable talking to police and/or Protective Service Officers, compared with non-LGBTIQA+ VictoriansVictoria Police Annual Community Sentiment Survey


[1] Victorian Agency for Health Information (2020) Victorian Population Health Survey 2020, Victorian Government, accessed 20 August 2024.

Rainbow colours symbolising the LGBTIQA+ community
