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Coach and Mentor Training Program

An opportunity for experienced teachers and educators to enhance their coaching and mentoring skills.

The Coach and Mentor Training Program helps teachers and educators build their coaching and mentoring skills. The program will cover the foundations of what makes a good mentor or coach. It will also help lift the standards of mentors and coaches across the sector. This is an opportunity for experienced teachers and educators to advance their careers by helping navigate key issues such as change and wellbeing.

Mott MacDonald Education Consultancy is delivering the program with the Department of Education.

This program is fully subsidised by the Department of Education. A backfill contribution is available for participants to cover the core requirements of the program, and a travel contribution is also available to assist with the cost of long-distance travel.

Who can access the program

This program is for experienced early childhood teachers and educators. Those already in coach and mentor roles may wish to further develop their skills. Or experienced teachers and educators may wish to become a coach or mentor. Teachers and educators wishing to undertake the program will need to meet the following criteria:

  1. Currently working in or with a service delivering a funded Victorian kindergarten program
  2. Qualifications:
    • Full VIT registration for teachers
    • ACECQA-approved diploma qualifications for educators
  3. At least 5 years of experience in a funded Kindergarten program
  4. Commitment to full participation in the program activities and requirements.

Program overview

The Coach and Mentor Training Program is skills-based professional learning. This means the program builds upon participants' existing knowledge and skills. The program uses both face-to-face and online components. This complements the Department of Education's existing coach and mentor training programs.

Participants will explore their current coaching and mentoring approach. Participants will then further develop positive partnerships with colleagues they are supporting. This will underpin their skill development in having coaching and mentoring conversations.

The program will equip participants to:

  • identify and use data to inform approaches to coaching and mentoring
  • utilise coaching and mentoring approaches to support change
  • support their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others.

The program will focus on actions participants can implement in their service to embed their skills and knowledge. There will be time for discussion and reflection within the group. These discussions will be opportunities to share experiences and insights.

Program registrations and dates

The program has three workshop days and at least three online modules. The workshops and modules are a minimum requirement to complete the program. Before registering, participants should ensure they are available to attend. Registrants must also have the support of their employer to complete the program.

By registering and providing your details, you agree to provide your information via the Eventbrite system and for your information to be handled, collected, used and disclosed.

The face-to-face workshops for 2025 intakes will be held in a Melbourne CBD location.

2025 Intake 1

  • 24 April to 31 July 2025.
  • Intake 1 is now full! If you would like to be waitlisted for this intake, please contact
  • Alternatively, please complete an expression of interest for intake 2 below.

2025 Intake 2

  • 29 July to 29 October 2025.
  • Registrations commence 17 June 2025.

If you would like to be contacted when future intakes of the program open for registration, please complete an expression of interest.

How does this program differ from the Effective Mentor Program?

The Effective Mentoring Program (EMP) provides training for experienced teachers to mentor a PRT with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

This Coach and Mentor Training Program provides more comprehensive training for experienced teachers and educators. It also equips participants to provide coaching and mentoring to their colleagues at all stages of their career.

More information

For further information about the program, please contact
