Introduction to the Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool
The Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool (EYALT) is a new online resource co-designed with early childhood teachers to help understand each child's unique strengths, interests, and abilities. Whether you're new or experienced, EYALT is a valuable tool for all early childhood professionals.
It helps by:
- documenting interactions to understand each child better
- showing how children progress in their learning over time
- integrating seamlessly with daily teaching practices
- generating evidence for informed discussions with school teachers
- improving observations and assessments for intentional teaching
- supporting continuity of learning during transitions to school.
Watch this video for an overview of the EYALT.
Access for 2025 and support packages
The application platform for new services to begin using the EYALT in 2025 is open from Monday 28 October to Monday 18 November 2024, and is located here. Please note this process requires a SmartyGrants account (free).
Services receive a support package to use the EYALT, including:
- a flexible grant of up to $3,150 (ex GST) to support activities required to implement and embed use of the EYALT in the early years planning cycle
- access to a range of EYALT specific professional learning events and resources.
- dedicated practice support through Kindergarten Improvement Advisors in your department area
- written guidance and technical support, including instructional videos in the EYALT itself.
Services already approved to use EYALT in prior years are not eligible for this new grant round, but will continue to be supported to use EYALT in 2025, with access to all the 2025 professional learning and through their local department area.
For more information on the support package, refer to the 2025 Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool funding guidelines:
- Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool funding guidelines (PDF, 141KB)
- Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool funding guidelines (DOCX, 85KB)
Roll-out and development information
Read the report to learn more about the exciting next steps for the EYALT. Discover how it was developed with input from over 300 early childhood teachers and educators, drawing on data from 5,000+ child observations in 150+ services.
- Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool report (PDF, 8MB)
- Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool report (DOCX, 827KB)
How EYALT works
The EYALT contains 8 modules aligned with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) and the Victorian Curriculum. Each module focuses on different aspects of a child's development.
The 8 modules are:
- ‘Identity and community - social’ is about children communicating their wants and needs, playing alongside each other, and developing relationships.
- ‘Wellbeing - emotions’ is about children feeling good about themselves and expressing their emotions during play.
- ‘Learning dispositions’ is about how children might show curiosity, ask questions, or show perseverance.
- ‘Communication - interactions’ is about eye contact, gestures, and attention.
- ‘Communication - symbols and texts’ is about children recognising signs or text.
- ‘Learning and communication - numeracy’ is about numbers and maths concepts.
- ‘Wellbeing – movement’ is about children’s motor skill development.
- ‘Learning and identity - thinking skills’ is about children being curious and inquiring about their world.
In each module, educators respond to a series of questions which draw on the child’s existing knowledge. When complete, the EYALT generates a Learning Report showcasing the child's strengths and interests.
Watch this video to hear about a teacher’s real experiences with using EYALT.
How EYALT aligns with the VEYLDF
The EYALT is part of our $22 million effort to support quality practice. It enhances best practices following the VEYLDF Practice Principle: Assessment for Learning and Development.
The EYALT helps teachers and educators to consistently observe and assess children’s learning. This is key for planning and delivering quality kindergarten programs. It sets up every child for success in learning.
The EYALT helps teachers and co-educators observe with focus and teach with intention. It provides a clear and systematic way to understand and assess children’s abilities.
Importantly, the EYALT is not an interview or a test. It’s a tool that teaching teams can use to better understand each child’s strengths, interests, and abilities. This helps them plan what the child should learn about next. The tool uses observations of children and encourages reflection on the learning process.
The EYALT and the national Preschool Outcomes Measure
The Australian Government has recently released information about a new tool called the Preschool Outcomes Measure, including new national learning progressions.
States and territories may choose to try out the new national tool in future or use an existing tool, such as the EYALT. In Victoria, the EYALT remains the approved tool, and its use continues to be voluntary. The department expects in the future to align the EYALT to the national learning progressions as they are finalised.
Find about more about the Preschool Outcomes Measure.
Professional learning resources
Assessment and the planning cycle practice videos
Explore 8 videos for quality assessment and observation in early childhood education. Aligned with the EYALT’s modules, each video highlights everyday assessment practices and guides using the EYALT in the Early Years Planning Cycle.
Assessment and the planning cycle practice videos
Watch 8 videos for quality assessment and observation in early childhood education.
Using assessment tools in early childhood
Insights from a panel discussion on Assessment for Learning at the Early Childhood Australia National Conference 2021.