About KIMS
Using information collected through previous reporting cycles, Kindergarten Information Management System (KIMS) prepopulates funding allocations for each service and only requires services to update information as circumstances change. Funded service providers use KIMS to:
- apply for kindergarten funding for children in the years before starting school
- apply for Early Start Kindergarten funding
- update service or service provider details
- complete mandatory data collection processes
- add and update workforce information
- add and update program details
- submit declarations of eligibility for a second year of funded kindergarten
- start, re-start and end funding to a service.
All funded service providers currently delivering a kindergarten program have access to the KIM system.
Application support
The Health and Early Learning Practitioners Helpdesk is available to provide support for KIMS and eduPass.
To make a request or report a problem, visit the Helpdesk Portal.
With a few simple clicks, the portal allows you to:
- log and track support cases in real-time
- access news, knowledge articles and quick reference guides
- access ‘how to’ instructional videos developed to enhance understanding
- have visibility of planned and unplanned system outages.
Program support
For kindergarten funding policy advice, contact your regional office.
The Kindergarten Funding Guide
Register for access
To access KIMS, you will need a registered eduPass account. Your Organisation Administrator can:
- invite new eduPass users
- extend the access of existing users
- reset user passwords if you've forgotten your secret answers or PIN.
If you don't know who the Organisation Administrator is for your organisation, or if your Organisation Administrator has left, please get in touch with the helpdesk on 1800 614 810.
For more information on eduPass including how to register your eduPass account, refer to eduPass.
Data collection
To receive ongoing kindergarten funding, service providers are required by the department to provide up-to-date information.
Information about the service provider, service, workforce, children and funded kindergarten program must be updated annually and during the year as required.
The department is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of personal information. Personal information is collected, stored and used by the department in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, the Health Records Act 2001 and other relevant legislation.
Personal information collected will only be viewed by staff at the service location or by the funded organisation entering the data. All personal information collected will be stored securely on department servers and converted to non-identifying codes before it is viewed and verified by authorised department staff.
The de-identified data will be used by authorised department staff strictly for the purposes for which it is collected.
De-identified data may also be provided to research partners of the department for linkage to other data sets and for research and reporting on trends in kindergarten attendance, participation and workforce. Reports will only contain aggregated information.
Personal information will otherwise not be passed onto any third parties except in circumstances where it is required by law.
Annual confirmation of kindergarten program data
Funded service providers must confirm data about the funded kindergarten program through the annual confirmation process.
Data about the early childhood teachers, other educators, the program and enrolments must be submitted in KIMS to complete the annual confirmation process for a service.
Once all required data is entered in KIMS, the data for the service can be confirmed. Actual annual funding will be calculated based on this confirmed data.
Education and occupation data
Services must collect the occupation and education details from the parents or guardians of all children enrolling in a funded kindergarten program.
This is the same information parents or guardians currently provide when their children reach school. Occupation and education information will be used to determine the amount of additional school readiness funding that individual services will receive.
Parental education and occupation details form (DOCX - 85KB) will support you to collect this information.
Kindergarten census data collection
The kindergarten census data collection is completed in KIM in August each year. Services must provide attendance details for each child enrolled and information on fees paid during the National Kindergarten Census Week.
More information
Frequently asked questions are available for all registered KIMS users via the Helpdesk Portal.
Contact us
Helpdesk 1800 614 810