Educational toys and equipment funding
The Victorian Budget 2023/24 is providing $5,000 for every funded kindergarten across the state.
Kindergarten Information Management System
A secure online system for kindergarten funding applications, data collection, and reporting.
Kindergarten funding guide
Funding information for kindergarten service providers, including eligibility criteria, obligations, and accountability.
Kindergarten funding rates
Information for Victorian government-funded kindergarten providers about kindergarten funding rates.
Kindergarten funding forms and calculators
Information for early childhood funding application forms and calculators.
Second year of funded Four-Year-Old Kindergarten
How to determine if a child is eligible for a Second year of funded Four-Year-Old Kindergarten and working with their carer to apply.
School Readiness Funding
Information on how funding is allocated and what it can be used for.
Kindergarten facilities and capital funding
Information about the Victorian Government's Three-Year-Old Kindergarten infrastructure strategy.
Building Blocks Grants – Capacity Building
This grants stream funds projects that create more kindergarten places for 3 and 4-year-olds. You can use these grants for building or expanding kindergartens.
Resources for funded kindergartens
Resources and templates to help service providers and early childhood professionals strengthen their funded kindergarten programs.
Kindergarten Parent Opinion Survey
The survey allows parents and carers to share feedback on their kindergarten experience.
Kinder Tick - information for services
The Victorian Government is introducing a new way to help families find funded and approved kindergarten programs.