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Kindergarten Inclusion Support (KIS)

Support for funded kindergarten services to enable greater inclusion of children with disability, developmental delay or complex medical needs.

Support is available for funded kindergartens to plan and implement a program that is responsive to the individual abilities, interests and needs of children with a disability, developmental delay or complex medical needs.

The Kindergarten Inclusion Support Program (KIS) is designed to contribute to the delivery of quality kindergarten programs in line with the National Quality Framework(opens in a new window) and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework(opens in a new window).

The support from KIS programs is in addition to the existing resources available to the kindergarten staff. This support may not cover all costs.

The KIS program:

  • provides assistance to complement early childhood teacher knowledge and skills, while acknowledging their expertise in supporting children’s learning and development
  • supports early childhood teachers to build their capacity to develop and implement an inclusive program
  • supports early childhood teachers to contribute to positive outcomes for children, as defined in the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework
  • responds to the child’s abilities and strengths, as well as their needs by supporting the kindergarten to enhance their learning and development.

Inclusive programs encourage and allow all children genuine opportunities to access and participate in kindergarten programs.

There are a range of resources(opens in a new window) available to support kindergartens to implement an inclusive program.

Types of KIS Programs

* Forms and guidelines updated September 2024


Complex medical needs

This program helps kindergartens provide an inclusive program for children with complex medical needs who do not have a disability. These are children who need a high level of health care support to access a funded kindergarten program.

Support available through the KIS disability and complex medical needs programs

Extra assistance from the KIS disability and complex medical needs programs may include:

  • specialist training and consultancy for early childhood educators to meet the individual needs of a child with a disability and high support needs or complex medical needs. This may include reasonable adjustments and modifications of the kindergarten program.
  • minor building modifications such as ramps and grip rails to support the child’s attendance and participation
  • additional staffing support. KIS-funded assistants work as part of the team delivering the kindergarten program to all children in the group. They should not work exclusively with the child identified in the KIS application. They also cannot be used to increase staff levels to meet licensing requirements.

Additional assistants take direction from the early childhood teacher. They share the everyday team responsibilities to make sure that all children can engage with the learning and development experiences provided within the kindergarten program.

Additional assistants should not supervise a child or a group of children without another educator employed by the kindergarten present. This is also relevant when running an indoor/outdoor program and in single early childhood teacher programs.

KIS in long daycare and centre-based services

In addition to the KIS program. Long daycare centres (LDC) can access the Commonwealth funded inclusion support program.

LDC providers can contact the Victorian Inclusion Agency for help.

Team approach to inclusion

All members of the team in the kindergarten environment contribute to the education of all children in the group.

The benefits of a team approach are:

  • The early childhood teacher has an increased capacity to provide a flexible program that responds to the needs of each child in the group.
  • The kindergarten promotes understanding and respect for diversity to children and families/carers.
  • All children are supported to develop trusting relationships with all staff members. These relationships support children to develop a sense of belonging to the group and the broader community. This helps them feel that they are contributing to their world. They are becoming confident and involved learners with a strong sense of self.
  • Families feel confident that the whole team has knowledge and understanding of their child’s interests, strengths and abilities.

Disability inclusion research in kindergartens

The department will be conducting research over 2024 and 2025 into best-practice assessment methods and systems for determining inclusion support needs for children in kindergarten. The two-year research will inform advice about opportunities to improve supports for children with additional needs in the medium to long term.

Early childhood education and care services with funded kindergarten programs will be invited to participate in the research in 2024, which will be expanded in 2025. Services participating in the research will continue to access existing supports to include children in their kindergarten programs. These supports include the Preschool Field Officer program, Kindergarten Inclusion Support (KIS) program and Kindergarten Inclusion Support Specialised Equipment Program.

Submission process

There is no change in the submission process for KIS applications submitted before 7 October 2024.

From 7 October 2024 (Term 4), all applications can be submitted as a PDF or Word document online at in a new window) (accessible only from that date). This includes disability, complex medical needs, appeals and transfers. Contact the KIS application support team (telephone: 1300 564 149) if you need assistance or to discuss alternative submission arrangements.


For more information about the KIS program, contact the KIS provider for your area:

South western Victoria region

LGAs: Greater Geelong, Colac-Otway, Corangamite, Glenelg, Moyne, Southern Grampians, Surf Coast, Queenscliff and Rural City of Warrnambool, contact:

KIS Program
Gateways Support Services
12-14 Thompson Road, North Geelong, 3215
Tel (03) 5221 2984

LGAs: Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melbourne, Melton, Moonee Valley and Wyndham, contact:

KIS Program
Uniting Vic.Tas
PO Box 3217, Broadmeadows, 3047<

LGAs: City of Ballarat, Rural City of Ararat, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Moorabool and Pyrenees, contact:

KIS Program
Pinarc Disability Support
PO Box 1841, Bakery Hill Business Centre, Ballarat, 3354
Tel (03) 5329 1300

LGAs: Rural City of Horsham, Hindmarsh, Northern Grampians, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack, contact:

KIS Program
Uniting Vic.Tas
PO Box 3402, Horsham 3410

South eastern Victoria region

LGAs: Bass Coast, Baw Baw, East Gippsland, South Gippsland, Wellington, contact:

KIS Program
Uniting Vic.Tas
3 Church Street, Leongatha, 3953
Email in a new window)

LGAs: Latrobe, contact:

KIS Program
Latrobe City Council
PO Box 264, Morwell, 3840
Tel (03) 5128 5645

LGAs: Bayside, Cardinia, Casey, Frankston, Glen Eira, Greater Dandenong, Kingston, Mornington, Port Phillip, Stonnington, contact:

KIS Program
93 Sladen St, Cranbourne, 3977
Tel (03) 5990 9640

North western Victoria region

LGAs: Buloke, Campaspe, Central Goldfields, Gannawarra, Greater Bendigo, Loddon, Macedon Ranges, Mildura, Mount Alexander, Swan Hill, contact:

KIS Program
Joanne Oliver
10 Merino Court, East Bendigo, 3550
Tel 1800 819 140

LGAs: Banyule, Darebin, Hume, Merri-Bek, Nillumbik, Whittlesea, Yarra, contact:

KIS Program
Uniting Vic.Tas
PO Box 3217, Broadmeadows, 3047
Email in a new window)

LGAs: Mildura, District of Robinvale in Swan Hill LGA, contact:

KIS Program
Mallee Family Care
PO Box 1870, Mildura 3502
Tel (03) 5023 5966

North eastern Victoria region

LGAs: Alpine, Benalla, Shepparton, Indigo, Mansfield, Mitchell, Moira, Murrindindi, Strathbogie, Towong, Wangaratta, Wodonga, contact:

KIS Program
SCOPE - Ovens Murray and Goulburn Region (East)
PO Box 128, Benalla, 3672
Tel (03) 5762 7121

LGAs: Boroondara, Whitehorse, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Yarra Ranges, contact:

KIS Program
Uniting Vic.Tas
291A Maroondah Highway, Ringwood 3134
