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Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF)

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework supports all professionals who work with children aged 0 to 8.

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) includes a range of discipline-specific guidelines and practice resources. It supports all professionals who work with children aged 0 to 8.

The VEYLDF framework


It identifies five learning and development outcomes for all children from birth to eight years:

  • identity
  • community
  • wellbeing
  • learning
  • communication.

It provides practice principles to guide early childhood professionals to work together, with children and with families to achieve the best outcomes for every child.

The framework:

  • enables you to work more effectively with other professionals and with families.
  • provides valuable guidance for supporting children and families in their transitions through the first eight years of a child’s life.
  • provides a shared language and guiding principles for achieving the best outcomes for every child by supporting continuity of learning.

Hard copies of the VEYLDF are no longer available.

Online learning modules

Four modules of professional learning are available to support you to embed the VEYLDF in daily practice. Each module contains short videos with examples, exercises suitable for individual or team use, and supporting materials.

Get your service ready for VEYLDF

You can use the self-assessment rubric to determine if your service is ready for coaching on the VEYLDF.

The rubric uses selected standards and elements from the National Quality Framework (NQF).

The revised VEYLDF includes illustrative maps that link each of the five outcomes for learning and development to the first three levels of the Victorian Curriculum F-10.

The VEYLDF shares the same five learning and development outcomes as:

Background to the framework

The VEYLDF was revised in partnership between the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and us, the department.

A series of consultations was held with key researchers, stakeholders, policy makers and early childhood professionals from early childhood education and care, maternal and child health, early childhood intervention, parent support and playgroups, schools, outside school hours care, and cultural organisations.

A recent five-year study shows how program quality and selection can impact on children’s learning and development. For more information, refer to: E4 Study.

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