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Kindergarten Inclusion Support (KIS) Specialised Equipment Program (SEP)

Specialised equipment is available for kindergarten services to borrow. The program aims to improve the inclusion of children with significant disabilities.

Victorian Government funded kindergarten programs can access specialised equipment under KIS SEP. These loans are at no cost.


KIS SEP allows greater inclusion of children with significant disabilities. This connects the children's learning with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework.

The program will loan specialised equipment to funded kindergarten services across Victoria. This supports the inclusion of children with significant disabilities at no cost to the service.

The program covers the 2024, 2025, 2026 and 2027 kindergartens years.

Details on Accessing the KIS SEP

Children with a disability as defined by the Disability Act 2006 can access the KIS SEP. The children must be attending a Victorian Government funded kindergarten program.

Confirmation of the child’s disability diagnosis must be attached with the application.

All Victorian Government funded kindergartens can submit a loan request application. The child’s therapist must prescribe the application.

An application can be made at any time during the kindergarten year.

The authorised person of a kindergarten service must complete and submit the application. The child’s therapist (occupational therapist/ physiotherapist) and parent, guardian or carer must assist with this application.

The child’s physiotherapist or occupational therapist must also prescribe the child's specialised equipment. It is the prescribing therapist's responsibility to set up and fit the equipment, as well as training the staff in its correct use.

If more than one child with a significant disability is attending a funded kindergarten group, an individual application must be submitted for each child.

Equipment available from KIS SEP may include (but is not limited to):

  • standing frames
  • change tables
  • toilet seats or steps
  • potty chairs
  • mobile stools
  • hoists, slings, harnesses and seating or posture aids.

Specialised equipment not available from SEP includes (but is not limited to):

  • equipment provided under the NDIS
  • therapeutic equipment (for example, hearing aids and therapist tables)
  • equipment that the kindergarten service would reasonably be expected to supply as part of the provision of a quality early learning environment
  • equipment that the parent or carer would reasonably be expected to supply for their child (for example, wheelchairs, walking frames and body suits)
  • equipment for which there are hygiene issues (for example, padded cots)
  • specialist inclusion toys such as switch and sensory toys and communication cards or charts
  • Auslan dictionaries to enable the child and educators to communicate effectively.

The parent, guardian or carer must consent for the specialised equipment to be used by the child.

The administering organisation is responsible for all aspects of KIS SEP. This includes assessments of applications and provision of specialised equipment.

Yooralla administers KIS SEP on behalf of the Department of Education.

The completed loan request application and supporting documentation can be sent to: in a new window)

Applications will be assessed within a two-week period of the submission date. For applications lodged in late December or at the beginning of the New Year the notification timeline may require some adjustment. This is to accommodate the Christmas/New Year holiday period.

Administering the KIS SEP

The loan agreement sets out the terms and conditions associated with borrowing the specialised equipment.

Once the loan agreement is signed, a notification of outcome will be sent. This will depend on the availability of the equipment.

If approved, the specialised equipment item will be sent by courier to the kindergarten service within one calendar month.

If a child transfers to another funded kindergarten service, the original kindergarten service is required to:

  • advise the new kindergarten service that the child has received specialised equipment
  • inform Yooralla to transfer the specialised equipment to the new kindergarten service.

During the loan period, the kindergarten service must keep the equipment in good condition and fit for use. The service must also only use the equipment for its intended purposes.

When returning the equipment, the kindergarten service must inform Yooralla to arrange the return.

A kindergarten service may request an appeal of decisions on eligibility. This appeal will only concern new or additional relevant information. This is information that may not have been available or provided at the time of the application.

Appeals can be lodged with the Department of Education at: in a new window). Please place 'Appeal KIS SEP Loan Request' in the subject of the email.

For more information contact Yooralla on 03 5990 9672 or email in a new window).

More information

Guidelines, information and loan request application kit

These guidelines have been developed for Victorian Government funded kindergarten services, parents, guardians, carers and the child's therapist to explain the purpose of KIS SEP and guide them through the loan request application process.

Application forms

The authorised person of the kindergarten service is responsible for completing and submitting this form. This form will provide relevant supporting documentation to the administering organisation.

Frequently asked questions about KIS SEP

There are a range of resources available to support kindergarten services to implement an inclusive program.
