The Orange Door network is the first of its kind in Australia.
It provides a single visible and accessible entry point for Victorians to access family violence, child and family services and Aboriginal services. This single-entry point means individuals and families are able to engage with one service to meet their current needs and navigate broader system responses without having to re-tell their story.
Through the Victorian Government’s partnerships with community service organisations, The Orange Door network provides tailored support for:
- adults, children and young people who are experiencing family violence
- families who need support with the care and wellbeing of children and young people
- perpetrators and people who use family violence.
Key activity in 2022
- Through the opening of Orange Doors in Brimbank Melton, Wimmera, Outer Eastern Melbourne, Hume Merri-bek and Western Melbourne, the statewide rollout of The Orange Door network across Victoria was completed.
- In 2022, more than 164,000 people, including 69,000 children accessed both immediate and longer-term support through The Orange Door network, bringing the total number of people supported by The Orange Door to 303,000, including 121,000 children, by the end of 2022.
- We commenced implementation of The Orange Door Aboriginal inclusion action plan.
- As part of the implementation of the Lived experience strategy, we commenced the second evaluation of The Orange Door network. The evaluation considered client experiences of The Orange Door and was designed and delivered in collaboration with peer evaluators who have lived experience of family violence or the child and family services system.
- In October 2022, The Orange Door in the Bayside Peninsula area commenced a pilot to connect clients of The Orange Door with legal services, which allows clients access to a dedicated lawyer with their Orange Door Practitioner present in a supportive and trauma-informed environment.
- We implemented the Strengthening Cultural Safety Training Program in all The Orange Door locations where there is a partnership in place with a local Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation. Cultural Safety Project Leaders have been employed to facilitate cultural safety self-assessments and provide foundational training to The Orange Door staff.
- We progressed The Orange Door partnership performance framework including development of initial measures and data collection, with trial reporting to commence in 2022–23.
- The Orange Door induction training has been refreshed.
- A suite of operational guidance has been developed to support integrated practice in operational areas of The Orange Door. This includes guidance on workflows that support the interdisciplinary teams across all Orange Door networks.