Indicator: Increased sharing or information to assess and respond to needs and risks
The Central Information Point (CIP) is one way we are increasing collaboration between services through information sharing. The CIP compiles relevant risk information about a perpetrator or alleged perpetrator of family violence into a single consolidated report. Information from the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, Victoria Police, Corrections Victoria and the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (Child Protection) is used to assist with family violence risk assessment and management.
A 2021 survey of practitioners in The Orange Door demonstrates the value the CIP provides to practitioners and victim survivors in risk assessment and management.
Measure: Number of Central Information Point reports provided to services
The CIP responds to demand from The Orange Door network, Risk Assessment and Management Panels, Men’s Referral Service and Safe Steps.
The number of CIP reports delivered annually increased from 2,905 in 2018–19 to 4,539 in 2021–22 (a 56.2 per cent increase). During this time, the CIP was implemented for The Orange Door network from 2018–2022, for the Risk Assessment and Management Panels from 2020–2022 and it commenced service delivery to Men’s Referral Service and Safe Steps in November 2022, in line with the Royal Commission’s recommendation.