Electrical/electronics engineering
Accreditation period
1 July 2018 to 30 June 2025
Course documentation
22478VIC Diploma and 22479VIC Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology(opens in a new window)Word 4.4 MB22478VIC Diploma and 22479VIC Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology(opens in a new window)PDF 6.59 MBCourse purpose
The Diploma and Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology are designed to qualify graduates for employment opportunities at paraprofessional level in a range of engineering, manufacturing and related industries roles.
Both courses are currently undergoing re-accreditation with the VRQA and have been granted a short-term renewal until 30 June 2025.
Accreditation period
1 July 2019 to 30 June 2024
Course documentation
22509VIC Diploma of Electrotechnology Project Management(opens in a new window)Word 243.57 KB22509VIC Diploma of Electrotechnology Project Management(opens in a new window)PDF 693.97 KBCourse purpose
The primary purpose of the Diploma of Electrotechnology Project Management is to provide participants with knowledge and skills to manage a variety of electrotechnology projects effectively.
Accreditation period
1 January 2020 to 31 December 2024
Course documentation
22519VIC Certificate IV in Integrated Technologies(opens in a new window)Word 1.19 MB22519VIC Certificate IV in Integrated Technologies(opens in a new window)PDF 1.92 MBCourse purpose
The purpose of this course to provide learners with knowledge and skills in a range of technologies in particular, the blending of these technologies into new and innovative applications and to service and maintain these applications.
The primary target group for this course are school leavers who want to gain employment in a technical role in a range of industry areas.
The course also provides a pathway for tradespeople in the electrotechnology or engineering industries, to upskill to a leading tradesperson, technician or technical officer role.
Accreditation period
1 May 2020 to 30 April 2025
Course documentation
22557VIC Course in Safe Work Practices for Testing Low and High Voltage Distribution Power Cables(opens in a new window)Word 196.74 KB22557VIC Course in Safe Work Practices for Testing Low and High Voltage Distribution Power Cables(opens in a new window)PDF 499.04 KBCourse purpose
The purpose of this course is to provide qualified electrical tradespersons, technicians and engineers with the knowledge and skills to work safely with low and high voltage distribution power cables.
The course also includes units which provide the knowledge and skills to identify, spike, and test low and high voltage distribution power cables.
Accreditation period
1 January 2022 to 31 December 2026
Course documentation
22586VIC Certificate II in Integrated Technologies (Pre-vocational)(opens in a new window)Word 446.6 KB22586VIC Certificate II in Integrated Technologies (Pre-vocational)(opens in a new window)PDF 1.4 MBCourse purpose
This is a pre-vocational course designed to provide learners with knowledge and skills in the application of technologies to manufacture a range of goods and/or provide services.
The course provides preparatory training for school leavers and others seeking an apprenticeship in the electrotechnology field or employment as a technical support person.
This course replaces 22527VIC Certificate II in Integrated Technologies (Pre-vocational).
Accreditation period
1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027
Course documentation
22603VIC Certificate IV in Cyber Security(opens in a new window)Word 314.15 KB22603VIC Certificate IV in Cyber Security(opens in a new window)PDF 976.31 KBCourse purpose
The Certificate IV in Cyber Security is a technician-level course. It provides participants with the knowledge and a range of technical skills to enable them to seek employment as cyber security technicians in a range of organisations and government bodies.
Accreditation period
1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028
Course documentation
22620VIC Course in Mining Pathways(opens in a new window)Word 945.78 KB22620VIC Course in Mining Pathways(opens in a new window)PDF 329.11 KBCourse purpose
22620VIC Course in Mining Pathways will provide the basic skills and knowledge needed to undertake entry-level operational roles at a mining site.
Accreditation period
1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028
Course documentation
22623VIC Course in Safe Use of Machinery for Technology Teaching(opens in a new window)Word 964.47 KB22623VIC Course in Safe Use of Machinery for Technology Teaching(opens in a new window)PDF 455.81 KBCourse purpose
The purpose of this course is to provide registered secondary school/college technology teachers and technology teaching technicians (non-teaching) with the knowledge and skills to safely operate a range of woodwork and/or metalwork machinery and equipment in a technology teaching environment.
Accreditation period
1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028
Course documentation
22624VIC Course in Introduction to Working with Battery Electric Buses(opens in a new window)Word 1.67 MB22624VIC Course in Introduction to Working with Battery Electric Buses(opens in a new window)PDF 463.45 KBCourse purpose
This course provides bus technicians and bus depot staff with the skills and knowledge required to safely undertake non-technical tasks to prepare battery electric buses for operation.
Accreditation period
01 January 2024 to 31 December 2028
Course documentation
22632VIC Certificate II Engineering Studies(opens in a new window)Word 1.09 MB22632VIC Certificate II Engineering Studies(opens in a new window)PDF 926.05 KBCourse purpose
The Certificate II in Engineering Studies is a pre-employment course designed to prepare participants for entry-level employment such as an apprenticeship in the engineering, manufacturing or related industries.
Accreditation period
1 January 2024 to 31 December 2028
Course documentation
22653VIC Certificate IV in Electrical Inspection(opens in a new window)PDF 850.26 KB22653VIC Certificate IV in Electrical Inspection(opens in a new window)Word 1.11 MBCourse purpose
The 22653VIC Certificate IV in Electrical Inspection equips licensed electrical tradespersons and electrical engineers with the knowledge and skills to undertake the assessment requirements administered by the Victoria’s electrical regulator, Energy Safe Victoria (ESV), for licensed electrical inspectors in Class G (General).
This course does not address the regulators assessment requirements for:
- Class H (Hazardous Areas) licence
- Class V (High Voltage Installation) licence
- Class M (Medical Installations) licence
- Class RE (Renewables) licence.
Accreditation period
1 April 2024 to 31 March 2029
Course documentation
22664VIC Course in Energy Efficiency Management(opens in a new window)Word 1 MB22664VIC Course in Energy Efficiency Management(opens in a new window)PDF 530.78 KBCourse purpose
The Course in Energy Efficiency Management details the skills and knowledge to enhance the capability of licensed A grade (or equivalent) electricians to assess current and future client energy demands, evaluate alternatives for gas substitution and recommend efficient energy management options that utilise clean energy technology for residential or commercial applications.
Accreditation period
1 April 2024 to 31 March 2029
Course documentation
22662VIC Course in Fuel Cell Electric Heavy Vehicles(opens in a new window)Word 899.09 KB22662VIC Course in Fuel Cell Electric Heavy Vehicles(opens in a new window)PDF 526.52 KBCourse purpose
The Course in Fuel Cell Electric Heavy Vehicles aims to provide existing workers with the skills and knowledge required to work safely with fuel cell electric heavy vehicles in the automotive and transport industries.
Accreditation period
1 January 2025 to 31 December 2029
Course documentation Version 1
22682VIC Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-vocational)(opens in a new window)Word 1.43 MB22682VIC Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-vocational)(opens in a new window)PDF 618.92 KBCourse purpose
This pre-vocational course is intended to provide senior secondary school students (when delivered as a Victorian Certificate of Education [VCE] Vocational Education and Training [VET] program), and school leavers with preparatory knowledge and skills to apply for an apprenticeship or other entry level employment in the electrotechnology industry.
Accreditation period
1 July 2019 to 31 December 2024
Course documentation Version 2
22499VIC Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-vocational)(opens in a new window)Word 250.53 KBCourse purpose
This pre-vocational course is primarily for school leavers and other new entrants wishing to prepare themselves to gain a traineeship, apprenticeship or other employment in the electrotechnology industry.
The course provides an overview of the industry, employment opportunities and the training pathways available.
It includes training in the basic fundamentals of:
- electrical
- telecommunication
- refrigeration
- air conditioning systems.
There is workshop experience in:
- fabrication and assembly techniques
- wiring
- cabling
- basic installation skills
- use of test equipment.
Workplace safety and first aid training are also included.
Version 2 includes an updated course structure to reflect the current first aid unit HLTAID011 Provide first aid, which replaces the non-equivalent unit HLTAID003 Provide first aid.
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Contact email: course.enquiry@djsir.vic.gov.au
Contact number: 13 18 23