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Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan

The Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan supports Victoria’s transition to a stronger and more resilient circular economy that can withstand future shocks and stressors.

The Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan (CERCC Plan) is an annual plan approved by the Minister for Environment.

The CERCC Plan aims to identify, describe and manage risks to service continuity and the transition to a circular economy in Victoria’s waste, recycling and resource recovery sector. It focuses on identifying serious threats to service provision and providing responsible entities with an initial framework to assess their own preparedness and mitigation measures.

The CERCC Plan 2024 comes in to force on 9 May 2024.

Download the CERCC Plan 2024

Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan 2024
PDF 2.64 MB
(opens in a new window)
Circular Economy Risk, Consequence and Contingency Plan 2024
Word 2.71 MB
(opens in a new window)

Key components of the CERCC Plan

The summaries below outline the information contained in each section of the CERCC Plan.

To view the full document, download the CERCC Plan.

Accessibility of the CERCC Plan

We are committed to providing information that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability.

To receive this document in an alternative format, please contact us.
