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RTOs - suitable staff and volunteers

People working with children are suitable and supported to understand child safety and wellbeing.

About the Standard

RTOs are required to inform staff and volunteers about:

  • the organisation’s recordkeeping processes about child safety and wellbeing
  • information sharing and reporting obligations.

They must also have child safety policies and procedures for staff and volunteer:

  • recruitment and selection processes
  • screening
  • supervision
  • training
  • development
  • performance monitoring.

RTOs must make sure staff and volunteers are aware of their reporting procedures for child safety issues.

How to comply

An RTO must be able to provide evidence of:

  • policies and procedures that specify that all staff and volunteers are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of children
  • staff and volunteer onboarding that includes:
    • child safety referee checks
    • pre-employment screening
    • recruitment recordkeeping
    • information sharing
    • mandatory reporting requirements
  • how the organisation monitors or updates records to make sure staff and volunteers have current Working with Children Checks
  • how the supervision of staff and volunteers focuses on child safety and wellbeing.

Examples of compliance

An RTO complying with this Standard may have:

  • publicly available policy and procedures that show the recruitment and onboarding requirements for staff and volunteers
  • a business plan or strategy to make sure staff and volunteer supervision focuses on child safety and wellbeing
  • recruitment, induction or performance reviews for new or existing staff and volunteers
  • a record management system that stores:
    • Working With Children Check information and expiry dates
    • completed pre-employment checks
    • other recruitment screening documents.
