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Non-school providers - family engagement

Keeping families, carers and communities informed and involved in promoting child safety.

About the Standard

This new Standard requires non-school providers to involve families and carers in development of child safety policies and procedures and keep them informed about the providers approach to child safety.

Involving families and carers helps providers create a child safety culture that is contextualised to their student cohort and community. It also helps providers to gain community support for their approach to child safety.

How to comply

A non-school provider must ensure that they:

  • develop a policy, statement or document or revise an existing document that includes strategies for engaging with families, carers and community
  • seek the input of families and carers in decisions impacting their children
  • involve families, carers and communities when developing or reviewing child safety policies and practices
  • communicate with families and communities about:
    • how to raise concerns about child safety
    • the provider’s approach to child safety
    • the provider’s operations and governance as it relates to child safety
  • take into account the diversity of families, carers, and students.

Examples of compliance

A non-school provider complying with this Standard may:

  • run information sessions about its child safety approach, including information about the provider’s operations and governance
  • involve families and carers in development and review of policies and procedures, for example through:
    • informal meetings
    • forums
    • surveys
    • newsletters or emails
  • provide welcome packs to new families and carers containing:
    • child safety information
    • how to raise concerns
    • complaints processes
  • provide clear and accessible information to diverse families and carers.
