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About Child Safe Standards

Victoria's Child Safe Standards were put in place in 2016 to protect children and young people from harm and abuse.

Since their introduction, the Child Safe Standards (the Standards) have increased the safety of children and young people in organisations that provide services for them.

Changes have been made to the Standards to increase protection for children and young people and provide clarity for organisations that must comply with the Standards.

New regulatory framework

A new regulatory framework for the Child Safe Standards started on 1 January 2023.

The framework provides regulators of the Standards with:

  • contemporary graduated monitoring and enforcement powers
  • improved information sharing powers.

This aids regulators to respond to risks of child abuse and breaches of the Standards.

Child Safe Standard regulators

Child Safe Standards effective from 1 July 2022

Eleven Standards replaced the previous seven and include requirements to:

  • involve families and communities in organisations’ efforts to keep children and young people safe
  • provide greater focus on safety for Aboriginal children and young people
  • manage the risk of child abuse in online environments.

The new Standards provide greater clarity and practical steps for each Standard. They outline what action organisations need to take to keep children and young people safe.

If your organisation or group provides services or facilities for children or engages a child as a contractor, employee or volunteer, you have a legal obligation to comply with the Child Safe Standards.

More information about the Child Safe Standards

The Commission for Children and Young People (the Commission) is one of the Standards regulators. They have information about:

Funded agencies

Agencies funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing can find information about the Child Safe Standards on the Providers website.


Visit Child Safe Standards for education providers.
