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Early childhood services - implementation of child safety practices

Guidance on Child Safe Standard 11: Policies and procedures that document how services are safe for children.


Standard 11 focuses on:

  • making sure policies and procedures document how the service will ensure it is child safe
  • implementing actions from the other standards
  • consulting all stakeholders in the development and review of policies and procedures. This includes children, families, staff and volunteers
  • service leadership in modelling and championing the importance of the child safe standards
  • staff and volunteers complying with the standards.

Actions services must take to comply with Standard 11

Standard 11: Policies and procedures that document how services are safe for children.

Early childhood services must comply with all the following elements of this standard:

  • Policies and procedures address all Child Safe Standards (11.1)
  • Policies and procedures are documented, and easy to understand (11.2)
  • Best practice models, and stakeholder consultation informs the development of policies and procedures (11.3)
  • Leaders champion and model compliance with policies and procedures (11.4)
  • Staff and volunteers understand and implement policies and procedures (11.5).

How to comply - examples and ideas

Start by reflecting on how your service already documents how it is safe for children.

