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Non-school providers - child safety and wellbeing

Building a strong organisational child safe culture.

About the Standard

Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.

By building an organisational culture of child safety, non-school providers can help keep children safe.

This Standard seeks to create a culture of child safety through:

  • information sharing
  • recordkeeping
  • governance arrangements
  • preventing, identifying and mitigating risks to children.

This is important in an education setting where children will be learning alongside adults.

How to comply

A non-school provider must ensure that they:

  • develop a Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy or review an existing child safety policy to ensure compliance with the new Standards
  • have a Child Safety Code of Conduct with clear guidelines about behavioural standards and responsibilities of staff, volunteers and visitors in relation to child safety and wellbeing
  • follow up on all breaches of the Child Safety Code of Conduct
  • develop a risk register or review existing register that identifies and manages child safety risks and the risk of child abuse, and is contextualised to the providers’:
  • seek parent or guardian consent for each excursion
  • provide evidence the governing body reviews the effectiveness of risk management strategies (for example, in agendas or minutes of meetings)
  • provide all staff and volunteers (as appropriate to their role) with training that covers information sharing and recordkeeping obligations
  • create, collect and store documents relating to child safety incidents.

Examples of compliance

A non-school provider complying with this Standard may:

  • publish its Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Child Safety Code of Conduct on its website
  • ensure leaders promote a culture of child safety and reporting of all incidents
  • ensure the governing body understands the Child Safe Standards and has appropriate, oversight of child safety at the provider
  • annually review their risk register and risk management strategies for their effectiveness and to identify any new risks
  • make sure that staff, and volunteers understand the requirements for:
    • child safety information sharing
    • recordkeeping.
