Principal partner
Apprenticeship Employment Network (AEN) and GAN Australia

The Victorian Training Awards gratefully acknowledge the support of the Awards' Principal Partner for 2022 to 2024, the Apprenticeship Employment Network(opens in a new window) (AEN) and the Global Apprenticeship Network (opens in a new window)(GAN Australia). Both have had a long partnership with the Victorian Government and the Victorian Training Awards.
Over the past 30 years, members have employed and supported more than 180, 000 apprentices and trainees in a wide range of industries across regional and metropolitan Victoria – outcomes that could not be achieved without a strong VET system.
Major sponsors
People's Choice Awards
Partnership opportunities
The Victorian Training Awards are the state's premier showcase event recognising excellence in the VET sector and generating pride and confidence in Victoria's TAFE and training system.
Sponsoring the awards provides an opportunity for industry to position themselves as supporting Victoria's training and TAFE system. Supporting the awards through a partnership provides additional network and engagement opportunities with the Minister for Skills and TAFE and the Victorian Government including DJSIR executives and the VET sector.
The Victorian Training Awards are always open to new sponsors for award categories. If you are interested in partnering with the awards, please email: