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VPS Best Practice Employment Commitment

How the parties to the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement will implement the Government’s Public Sector Priorities.


The Victorian Government’s Wages Policy and the Enterprise Bargaining Framework provides that all public sector agencies may make a Best Practice Employment Commitment (BPEC), which outlines the measures the parties will take during the life of the Agreement to operationalise the Government’s Public Sector Priorities. These measures must reflect good practice and be implemented operationally without significant cost. This document outlines those commitments that has been agreed during the bargaining process.

Duration and Operation

This BPEC commences operation upon the commencement of the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2024 and operates for the duration of that agreement.

Best Practice Employment Commitments

The following commitments outline the operational practice improvements which have been agreed between the parties in reaching full and final settlement of a new enterprise agreement to cover Victorian Public Service (VPS) employees.

Download a copy of Best Practice Employment Commitment

VPS Agreement - Best Practice Employment Commitment
Word 183.98 KB
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