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Building Equality Policy Implementation Evaluation 2023

The Department of Premier and Cabinet engaged RMIT University to evaluate the BEP during the initial stages of its implementation. This phase of the research aims to understand how the BEP has been implemented and its influence on the experience of key stakeholders in construction.

The Building Equality Policy (BEP) was introduced on 1 January 2022 to support a gender inclusive industry and change existing gender stereotypes, norms and roles in the construction sector.

The BEP focuses specifically on women as they comprise a very small portion of the construction workforce.

The policy intends to provide opportunities for women as a minority group along with increasing the number of women working in construction.

Through the BEP, the Government set gender equality targets and requirements for contractors on government-funded projects valued at $20 million or more.

In December 2023, the BEP was updated in response to stakeholder feedback collected during an evaluation of the policy.

The evaluation took place between May 2023 and November 2023 and the final findings of the evaluation are presented in the report below.

RMIT Building Equality Policy Evaluation
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