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Implementation of Skills Plans actions – Lift participation in education and training

The implementation of actions from the Skills Plans is well progressed for lifting participation in education and training. Below are actions which are ’completed and now embedded functions’, and actions which are ’underway’.

4. Build foundation skills to enhance workforce participation


4.1 Partner across government to provide courses to help people into employment

4.2 Implement a pre-accredited training framework of foundation skills for learners

4.3 Continue developing partnerships between Learn Local providers, communities and industry

4.4 Learn Local sector partner with industry to support training within industry settings

5. Bridge the gender gap

(Completed and now embedded functions)

5.1 Conduct an annual Gender Impact Assessment of the Skills Plan

5.2 Monitor the education and employment outcomes of women who enrol in training

5.3 Identify barriers to participation in education and training for women from diverse backgrounds

5.4 Partner with agencies to address gender-based barriers to training and employment

5.5 Work with industry to reduce gender segregation across industries

14. Empower self-determination for First Nations peoples


14.1 Reflect cultural inclusion and First Nations knowledge systems in VET

14.2 Work with training providers to foster a culturally safe learning environment for First Nations learners

14.3 Encourage training providers to increase the diversity of their workforce to enable a First Nations voice in decision-making

15. Improve opportunities for Victorians with disability


15.1 DJSIR review the range of supports available for learners with disability in VET

15.2 The OTCD to work with the Victorian TAFE Network to set accessibility and outcome standards for learners with disability

15.3 Skills and Jobs Centres support Victorians with disability to access their services by developing targeted resources

Note: Actions one to 11 were developed in the 2022 Skills Plan and Actions 12 to 18 were developed in the 2023 Skills Plan. Please note the following abbreviations: DJSIR (Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions), OTCD (Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery), NCVER (National Centre for Vocational Education Research) and VDC (VET Development Centre).
