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Implementation of Skills Plans actions – Promote post-secondary education skills and career pathways

The implementation of actions from the Skills Plans is well progressed for promoting post-secondary education skills and career pathways. Below are actions which are completed and now embedded functions, and actions which are underway.

1. Start the VET journey at school

(Completed and now embedded functions)

1.1 Provide up-to-date information to students about occupations in demand

1.2 Work with industry to identify future job opportunities

1.3 Use the VSA’s employment forecasts to inform VET in school offerings

2. Enable learners and workers to make informed skilling and career choices

(Completed and now embedded functions)

2.1 Work with Skills and Jobs Centres staff to support local learners and employees

2.2 Provide advice through the Victorian Skills Gateway to highlight training pathways to local occupations in demand

2.3 Develop a tool to show core and transferable skills for future jobs

3. Expand opportunities and approaches for students to put theory into practice during their course

(Completed and now embedded functions)

3.1 Facilitate industry roundtables to support work placements

3.2 Identify placement shortfalls in courses and occupations causing supply issues

3.3 Review work placements and provide alternatives where applicable

8. Align qualifications to new needs


8.1 Through national skills bodies, progress VET qualification reform to support future skills

8.2 Use local accreditation to quickly produce accredited micro-credentials

8.3 Explore new curriculum models and modes of delivery with the OTCD in critical niche occupations

12. Meet the motivations and aspirations of learners through an inclusive VET system

(Completed and now embedded functions)

12.1 Provide a stronger learner voice in education and training reforms

12.2 Enhance connections of school-aged learners with employers and industry

12.3 Collaborate with NCVER to better understand learners vocational pathways

13. Pursue VET qualifications redesign


13.1 Through Skills Ministers work on VET qualification redesign, explore options to streamline the number of units of competency

13.2 Trial the design of new VET qualifications using local accreditation

Note: Actions one to 11 were developed in the 2022 Skills Plan and Actions 12 to 18 were developed in the 2023 Skills Plan. Please note the following abbreviations: DJSIR (Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions), OTCD (Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery), NCVER (National Centre for Vocational Education Research) and VDC (VET Development Centre).
