Victoria is continuing the journey of embedding First Nations knowledge systems and using self-determination as a guiding principle to reflect cultural inclusion in the vocational education and training system.
Through a two-year statewide consultation and co-design process with 3,100 First Nations people, the Strengthening Aboriginal Self-Determination in Education report identified areas for reform to progress self-determination in the education system.12
The Department of Education and Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) co-led more than 180 campfire conversations at 89 schools and 12 First Nations organisations. First Nations people raised factors that contributed to students’ self-determination, learning and wellbeing.
The report identified six areas for reform:
- reciprocal partnerships
- truth-telling in the Victorian curriculum
- Aboriginal voice in decision making
- ongoing capacity building to support school and community engagement
- meaningful accountability measures and
- creating a culturally safe and responsive school system.
These campfire conversations led to a $51 million investment to improve the learning and wellbeing outcomes of First Nations students in Victorian Government schools by offering better supports. The funding will also contribute to fairly compensating Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations for their expertise in supporting education outcomes and inclusion for Aboriginal students.13
Through the Self-determination in Learn Locals Koorie Education Initiative, the ACFE Board and VAEAI developed a set of protocols to support Learn Local providers to create culturally safe environments and include First Nations perspectives in the curriculum. This helps providers better meet the needs of First Nations learners and communities.
The TAFE Network Statement of Priorities for 2024 specifies that TAFEs will work together to improve engagement, support and outcomes for learners who face barriers in education, including through recognition of cultural safety and self-determination for First Nations Victorian learners and staff.
Every TAFE has a dedicated Koorie Unit, with government funded Koorie Liaison Officers (KLOs) and Koorie Student Support Officers (KSSOs) playing an important role in supporting a culturally safe environment for Koorie students.
The Victorian TAFE Network is developing its First Nations VET educators workforce. In 2023, Federation TAFE saw its first cohort of First Nations learners from diverse and professional and personal backgrounds across Melbourne and regional Victoria commence the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. Federation TAFE collaborated with the Aboriginal Education Centre to co-design the delivery model and ensure appropriate supports were available.14 The program aims to increase the number of First Nations people employed as VET educators at Federation TAFE and other providers.15
More support for First Nations apprentices
The Victorian Government is committed to supporting First Nations apprentices through a network of support officers who provide the advice they need throughout their apprenticeship journey.
First Nations apprentices can access supports such as the Apprenticeship Support Officers (ASOs), who are a key point of contact for all apprentices. ASOs help apprentices get the most out of the apprenticeship system by providing advice on training and employment, safety and workplace concerns. ASOs also provide referrals to supports such as mental health and wellbeing services, and support apprentices experiencing housing and financial difficulties, as well as drug and alcohol issues.16
First Nations apprentices can also receive support from Koorie Liaison Officers (KLOs) or Koorie Student Support Officers (KSSOs).
KLOs are employed by TAFEs and dual sector universities to support learners during their TAFE journey. KSSOs are trained to work directly with First Nations learners to support learner engagement, improve the learner experience, and facilitate access to the supports available in the skills system and the broader government system.17
Taylor Hampton
Victorian Training Awards 2024 Koorie Student of the Year winner
Growing up, Taylor had minimal knowledge of his First Nations heritage because his father was not allowed to speak his language or practice his culture. As a result, Taylor was determined to play a lead role in enhancing Indigenous cultural awareness in Victoria. He took a job at the Victorian Aboriginal Child and Community Agency (VACCA) to pursue his aspirations. Enthusiasm for leadership led him to enrol in a Certificate IV in Leadership and Management at Kangan Institute.
The course shaped his personal leadership ambitions and skills. As a direct result of his success, he was offered new roles at VACCA, including Acting Program Manager and Senior Facilitator for Koorie FACES, a family strengthening program that aims to increase confidence in First Nations families.
A transformation in Taylor’s leadership style and advocacy skills gave him the confidence to address complex issues and become a supportive manager who encourages colleagues to take on new challenges and progress in their careers.