Digitisation and automation are creating new opportunities for Victoria’s economy and its workforce. Digital skills and digital literacy are now relevant for every industry and almost all occupations, and the skills system is supporting learners to develop the digital skills they need.
The Victorian TAFE Network is co-leading innovative approaches to better meet the State’s demand for a digitally skilled workforce, including new IT qualifications such as:
- a Diploma of IT traineeship and bolt-on micro-credentials to develop specialised, industry-relevant skills such as cyber security and cloud computing
- a data analytics course to up-skill workers from all industries.
The 2024 Skills Plan identifies the digital skills that Victoria needs and makes recommendations to develop a digitally skilled workforce. The Plan provides data on the number of workers who require baseline digital skills (such as computer literacy and the need to use basic software), and specific digital skills (such as data analysis and cloud computing).
In April 2024, the VSA held a roundtable with several employers from the digital sector, who provided insights into emerging skill needs such as cloud computing and the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation on the Victorian workforce.
In addition to its work in the digital space, the VSA continues to engage with industry to identify future skills needs and the implications for designing and delivering post-secondary education and training, including through joint projects such as the VicWater Workforce readiness project.
NECA Education and Careers
Victorian Training Awards 2024 Employer Award for Apprenticeship Development winner
For over 30 years, the National Electrical Communications Association (NECA) Education and Careers has been igniting bright sparks in the electrical industry and allied trades. NECA is the only combined registered training organisation and group training organisation focused purely on the electrical industry, providing training for pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship, and post-apprenticeship studies, and employing around 300 electrical apprentices – making them the largest employer of electrical apprentices in the industry.
Aspiring and experienced electricians alike engage in programs specifically developed by, and for the industry - delivered in classrooms, blended learning spaces and simulation areas. Bridging the gap between theory and practice is their ‘Meta-Electric’ platform, harnessing animation and work-place simulations for deeper learning experiences. Within their pre-apprenticeship program, a project-based approach involves students completing a start-to-finish installation in a simulated environment.
NECA’s apprentice-centric approach to training is strengthened by providing regular guidance and advice. High retention rates demonstrate their success.
VicWater Workforce Readiness project
The VicWater Workforce Readiness project was created to address the critical need for qualified operators in the water sector.
As the peak industry association for water corporations in Victoria, VicWater first raised the issue through a VSA Industry Advisory Group, where it was agreed a collaborative effort to address workforce needs was required. This led to the establishment of a project working group with representatives from 11 Victorian water corporations. Together, they designed and implemented a state-wide survey, gathering valuable data on workforce needs and future training requirements. The 18 water corporations expressed interest to explore a state-wide coordinated solution offering industry-leading technical training for the Victorian water industry.
The VSA is currently working with VicWater and the working group to explore what a state-wide solution could look like.
Local Skills Partnership Program
The VSA is implementing recommendations identified in all Skills Plans, Regional Skills Demand Profiles, and the Industry Advisory Groups through the Local Skills Partnership Program. The program is developed ‘in place’ and delivers innovative capacity building opportunities within the regions.
Projects approved under the program include:
Creating Inclusive Work Environments – Federation University will co-design leadership and management learning materials to create inclusive work environments in the construction and manufacturing sectors, focusing on enhancing apprenticeship outcomes for small and medium businesses in the Central Highlands and Wimmera Southern Mallee regions.
Maryborough Learning Hub – Central Goldfields Shire will develop a plan for a community-owned skills hub serving Central Goldfields and the broader region, in partnership with local businesses, service providers, and training organisations. The skills hub will include a model for TAFEs to deliver learning programs remotely, direct to the Hub, enabling local people to access skills-based learning while remaining in their own community.
DJAKTIJ Pathways to Aquaculture Project – Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (DJAARA), in partnership with industry, will pilot a First Nations-led program to highlight opportunities in the Victorian aquaculture industry. Additionally, a foundation skills program will be co-designed in partnership with industry and established training institutions.
Developing a Seasonal Skills Passport – Wodonga TAFE will develop and implement a Seasonal Skills Passport in the Goulburn and Ovens-Murray regions of North-East Victoria, enabling seasonal workers employed in the region to showcase industry-based skills and competencies aligned to relevant qualifications while in employment throughout the region.
Mining Skills Navigator – Sunraysia TAFE will lead a partnership of regional TAFEs and industry to produce a Mining Skills Workforce Planning Report to analyse skills supply and demand in Victoria’s mining sector, aiming to bridge skill gaps and support workforce readiness for planned developments in North, Central and Western Victoria.