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The Skills Plan supports place-based responses.

The Victorian Skills Plan for 2023 into 2024 enables place-based responses to regional skills challenges and opportunities

Place-based responses to skills challenges and opportunities are essential to meet jobs and skills demand in Victoria.

Key statistics from the Victorian Skills Plan for 2023 into 2024

  • 352,000 new workers expected to enter the Victorian economy between 2023 and 2026
  • 64% of new workers will need higher-order skills
  • 277,000 new workers expected in metropolitan Melbourne
  • 75,000 new workers expected in regional Victoria.

The top industries expecting new workers in regional Victoria

  • 22,600 health care and social assistance
  • 8,900 accommodation and food services
  • 7,100 education and training.

Occupations in demand in regional Victoria

  • ageing and disability carers
  • registered nurses
  • livestock farmers.

Promoting post-secondary education skills and career pathways

New workers expected over the next three years will require higher-order and transferable skills, and vocational education and training (VET) will play a key role in delivering these skills, including those for the clean economy transition.

More workers with transferable skills will assist in the delivery of local responses to local skills challenges.

The Skills Plan recommends new approaches to designing VET qualifications, and provides local communities with information to assist in better planning and decision-making, such as:

  • detailed insights into where job opportunities are in industries, occupations and regions through the Employment Forecast Dashboard
  • Seven Regional Skills Demand Profiles that provide information on skills gaps and job opportunities in the regions and complement the Regional Economic Development Strategies.

Lifting participation in education and training

Access to quality and relevant learning for work and life is critical, including for First Nations peoples and Victorians with disability, who are a focus in this plan.

The Skills Plan recommends:

  • working with training providers to empower self-determination for First Nations peoples in VET
  • reviewing the supports available for learners with disability to identify improvements.

Delivering the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow

Local and global factors will require workers to up-skill and develop transferable skills, allowing flexibility within and across occupations and industries to meet demand and increase productivity. Skills challenges and opportunities vary across Victoria, and the post-secondary education and training system needs to improve responsiveness.

The Skills Plan highlights the importance of the Victorian TAFE Network in responding to local skills challenges and opportunities through an integrated post-secondary system that enables self-accreditation and reduced regulatory burden for Victorian TAFE Network providers. It also recommends developing approaches to embed applied research in the education and training delivered by Victorian TAFE Network providers.

Download the regional fact sheet below (opens in a new window).

Victorian Skills Plan fact sheet - regional
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(opens in a new window)
