This student fact sheet provides summary information about the Victorian Skills Plan 2024 into 2025.
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Connecting secondary school students to work
The Skills Plan covers the jobs and skills needed in different occupations, industries and regions in Victoria. By 2027, about 392,000 new workers are expected to enter the Victorian economy. Many of them will need vocational education and training (VET) qualifications.
Completing secondary school can help young Victorians work in government priority areas such as:
- Housing
- Big Build
- Care economy
- Clean economy
Students can start their career journey early through VET Delivered to School Students
- James is interested in a career in health. He included a Certificate II in Health Support Services in his VCE to get a taste of the industry
- After completing school, James continued to pursue a career in health and enrolled in a Certificate III in Health Services Assistance at TAFE
- James is now working as a nursing assistant with plans to undertake a Diploma of Nursing to become an enrolled nurse
Found a passion? Start a VET journey in school
Students can start a VET qualification in secondary school and gain practical skills through:
- VET Delivered to School Students program
- School-based apprenticeships and traineeships in government schools (Head Start)
Connect with the world of work
Your school can help you find a career that interests you. It can connect you with work experience opportunities, career advice and many other activities.
To find out more
- Visit
- Email
- Access free, independent advice at
- Read about Victoria’s labour market at
- Find course and careers information at