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Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser W - Z

WorkSafe Victoria – Agriculture campaign


The quad bike safety campaign entered a third phase, reinforcing the dangers of quad bikes, and encouraging the uptake of the Victorian Government’s rebate scheme for installation of roll-over protection or to purchase an alternative work vehicle.


November 2017 – February 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 413,000
Creative and campaign development 348,000
Research and evaluation 49,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 37,000

WorkSafe Victoria – Asbestos


Campaign targeting tradespeople conducting renovation and maintenance that may expose them to asbestos, aimed at building their awareness of asbestos risks and safe work procedures.


May – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 102,000
Creative and campaign development 42,000
Research and evaluation 22,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 33,000

WorkSafe Victoria – CALD Vulnerable Workers campaign


Language and cultural barriers may prevent workers who are not proficient in English from accessing and understanding information about workplace health and safety. Targeted advice and support is offered in nine languages to build an understanding of workplace health and safety among this highly vulnerable section of the community.


December 2018 – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 425,000
Creative and campaign development 78,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 31,000

WorkSafe Victoria – Christmas Safety campaign


The rush to end-of-year holidays is historically one of the most dangerous times of the year. This campaign aims to influence behaviour to prevent harm to all workers.


November – December 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 200,000
Creative and campaign development 32,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

WorkSafe Victoria – Functional advertising


Functional advertising can include details about community consultation, public hearings, investigations, seminars and the availability of government grants, public notices, or urgent public health or safety announcements.


July 2018 - June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 165,000
Creative and campaign development 52,000
Research and evaluation 108,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

WorkSafe Victoria – Hearts and Minds


An attitudinal change campaign designed to shape and change community social norms on safety and prevention. It aims to broaden the community’s understanding of what a workplace culture of health, safety and wellbeing looks like to ensure positive, proactive prevention is front and centre in Victorian workplaces.


October 2018 - June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 3,652,000
Creative and campaign development 1,884,000
Research and evaluation 247,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 79,000

WorkSafe Victoria – Occupational Violence and Aggression in Healthcare – It’s Never OK


Campaign reminding the community that it’s never acceptable to commit acts of violence or aggression against healthcare workers, while also encouraging and empowering workers to report incidents


July 2018 - June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 318,000
Creative and campaign development 243,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 1

WorkSafe Victoria – WorkWell


Campaign promoting the WorkWell online mental health and wellbeing platform, which assists employers to look after the mental health and wellbeing of their employees.


August 2018 – May 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 199,000
Creative and campaign development 488,000
Research and evaluation 14,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 6,000

WorkSafe Victoria – Young Workers


This campaign aims to empower young workers by encouraging them to take action and speak up if they feel unsafe, as well as educate employers on their responsibilities.


May - June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 145,000
Creative and campaign development 52,000
Research and evaluation 108,000
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0
