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Summaries of major campaigns undertaken in 2018-19 by advertiser D

Department of Education and Training – Free TAFE


A campaign to motivate and encourage prospective students to enrol in free TAFE courses and communicate the breadth and depth of TAFE offering.


29 July – 21 October 2018

14 April 2019 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,269,422
Creative and campaign development 129,731
Research and evaluation 16,500
Print and collateral 13,363
Other campaign costs 122,322

Department of Education and Training – Never Leave Kids in Cars


Campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of leaving children unattended in cars on hot days, and the speed the temperature doubles inside a parked car. Campaign conducted in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services, Ambulance Victoria and Kidsafe.


2 December 2018 – February 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 188,312
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 16,363

Department of Education and Training – Our Fair Share


Raised Victorian public awareness and understanding of a Commonwealth funding deal which meant Victorian public schools would miss out on $500 million in federal funding every year.


24 February – 25 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 427,874
Creative and campaign development 169,311
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 4,190

Department of Education and Training – Public School. Our School


This promoted Victorian government schools as great places to study and work, aimed at parents and carers and those interested in a teaching career.


27 August 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,358,349
Creative and campaign development 749,934
Research and evaluation 20,000
Print and collateral 43,826
Other campaign costs 125,114

Department of Education and Training – TAFE Will Take You There


This campaign aims promote the state’s TAFE network under one united brand and promotes TAFE Victoria as a provider of courses that help Victorians get real jobs.


4 November – 16 December 2018

30 December 2018 – 24 February 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 940,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Education and Training – Tech Schools


Victoria’s 10 tech schools opened their doors to the community during Education Week 2019. The campaign aimed to inform the public about tech schools and encourage people to attend their open days.


13 – 31 May 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 139,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 10,000
Other campaign costs 30,000

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Planned Burns


A public safety campaign that runs yearly to advise communities of planned burns in their areas.


September 2018 – March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 281,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Power Saving Bonus


Campaign promoting a government incentive to use the Victorian energy compare energy comparison site to find the best energy deal on the market


January – February 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,500,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning – Take Charge: Victorian Energy Compare


External communications campaign focused on informing Victorians about the Victorian Energy Compare website so they can compare energy prices and find the best deal for them. The campaign included television, radio, print and social media advertising.


22 January – July 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 550,000
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Epidemic Thunderstorm Asthma


This public health and safety campaign was developed in response to recommendations identified in the Inspector-General of Emergency Management’s ‘Review of response to the thunderstorm asthma event of 21-22 November 2016’.


15 September – 31 December 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 196,596
Creative and campaign development 49,789
Research and evaluation 32,063
Print and collateral 35,127
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Kilojoules on the Menu


This is the second year this campaign has run and it supports the implementation of the Food Amendment (Kilojoule Labelling Scheme and Other Matters) Act 2017 by raising awareness of kilojoule labelling and encouraging Victorians to make better informed, healthier food choices.


1 May – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 161,641
Creative and campaign development 7,815
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Our Fair Share


Campaign to build awareness of a significant Commonwealth health funding shortfall and to advocate for Victoria’s position for appropriate and equitable health funding


April – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 400,000
Creative and campaign development 126,826
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 4,190
Other campaign costs 454

Department of Health and Human Services – SafeScript


Campaign to promote community awareness of the SafeScript real-time prescription monitoring system ahead of its statewide roll-out in April 2019


1 September – 3 November 2018 and 3 March – 4 May 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 802,200
Creative and campaign development 42,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 45,000
Other campaign costs 18,000

Department of Health and Human Services – Save Lives, Save 000 for Emergencies


Campaign to remind Victorians to save Triple Zero for emergencies and promote a range of other health services as options for non-life-threatening situations.


19 August – 25 October 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 884,215
Creative and campaign development 270,500
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Seasonal Influenza


Campaign to prepare Victorians for the 2019 flu season by raising broad awareness of the risks of influenza, particularly among those most at risk of complications, and the protective steps available, including immunisation.


Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 717,154
Creative and campaign development 30,872
Research and evaluation 50,000
Print and collateral 39,250
Other campaign costs 104,537

Department of Health and Human Services – Supercare Pharmacies


Campaign to raise awareness of the scale and scope of services offered by Supercare Pharmacies throughout Victoria.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 267,544
Creative and campaign development 0
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Health and Human Services – Survive the Heat 2018–19


Campaign to ensure the community understands the risks of extreme heat to their health and how to manage these risks appropriately.


10 December 2018 – 31 March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 530,760
Creative and campaign development 16,521
Research and evaluation 26,400
Print and collateral 12,905
Other campaign costs 5,000

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Made in Victoria Campaign


Campaign to raise awareness of Victoria’s capabilities in manufacturing, designing and making local products. Aiming to instil pride amongst Victorians by asking them to support Victorian businesses by buying Victorian products, helping create local jobs and build strong and vibrant communities.


20 July – 30 November 2017

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 403,044
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Regional Development Victoria – Ready When You Are


Campaign to continue Victorian Government’s promotion of regional Victoria as an ideal relocation destination for Melburnians.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 100,000
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Regional Development Victoria – Ready When You Are: Regional Jobs


An extension of the Ready When You Are campaign, the regional jobs campaign amplified the jobs message in regional Victoria. This campaign created awareness of job opportunities that are being created and currently exist.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 150,000
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Small Business Victoria – Year Long Engagement


Campaign to boost engagement and service participation of the Business Victoria website and its related digital channels.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 120,000
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions – Victoria: The State of Defence Excellence


To increase awareness of Victoria’s defence industry and capabilities by positioning Victoria as a state of defence industry excellence and leverage high profile defence events.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 236,895
Creative and campaign development N/A
Research and evaluation N/A
Print and collateral N/A
Other campaign costs N/A

Department of Justice and Regulation – Play it Safe by the Water 2018–19 campaign


Play it Safe by the Water is a public education and awareness program aimed at increasing safety around water and reducing the number of drowning incidents in Victoria. of the risks posed by water among select target audiences, in partnership with aquatic and partner agencies. This year’s campaign targeted Victorian parents/carers of children aged 0–4 years old, and older Victorians aged 55 years and over.


17 December 2017 – 28 April 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 711,358
Creative and campaign development 174,226
Research and evaluation 86,182
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 11,135

Department of Justice and Regulation – Summer Fire campaign 2018–19


The Summer Fire campaign is an annual Victorian bush and grassfire awareness campaign that aims to improve community understanding of fire and fire risk, encourage Victorians to take responsibility for their own safety and prompt people to leave early to minimise injury and loss of life due to fire. The campaign was run at three different stages of the bushfire season.


7 - 14 October 2018, 11 November 2018 – 28 February 2019 and March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 4,045,127
Creative and campaign development 556,969
Research and evaluation 364,536
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 273,256

Department of Premier and Cabinet – Deadly Questions Treaty Communications


A multi-year campaign aiming to build greater understanding between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people by discussing history and sharing the strength and vibrancy of Aboriginal cultures to raise awareness and support for the path to treaty.


July 2018 – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,904,000
Creative and campaign development 413,000
Research and evaluation 110,000
Print and collateral 74,000
Other campaign costs 184,000

Department of Premier and Cabinet – Pick My Project


Campaign to encourage Victorians to engage with the Pick My Project initiative and apply for project funding to benefit their local community.


July – September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 235,000
Creative and campaign development 352,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 8,000
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Premier and Cabinet – Victorian. And proud of it


Designed to initiate a conversation about Victoria’s shared values through the themes of contribution and belonging, emphasising that what holds us together as a community are our shared values, in addition to our diversity.


August 2018 – March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 108,000
Creative and campaign development 531,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Premier and Cabinet – Victorian Labour Hire Licensing Scheme


Promoted and informed labour hire providers and host employers of the Labour Hire Licensing Authority and the Victorian Labour Hire Licensing Scheme, which commenced on 29 April 2019, to encourage licensing and compliance.


July – September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 280,000
Creative and campaign development 110,000
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – Fair Share Campaign


Campaign advocating that Victorians get the funding they deserve for the projects they need the most.


21 April – 28 May 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 399,931
Creative and campaign development 172,508
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – Level Crossing Removal Project


Campaign to inform Melbourne’s travelling community, residents and businesses about disruptions associated with the level crossing removal works. Key messaging enables people to make informed travel plans to ensure they can get to where they need to go as quickly and as efficiently as possible whilst these works are undertaken.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,314,145
Creative and campaign development 48,743
Research and evaluation 34,030
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – Metro Tunnel


Campaign to increase awareness and understanding of the Metro Tunnel Project works and benefits, as well as specific disruption works and periods. The call to action encourages people to seek more information and plan extra time for their journey.


1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 834,007
Creative and campaign development 235,950
Research and evaluation 37,140
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – MTIA Graduate Program


Campaign to promote a centralised graduate program developed in 2019 to support the future generation of Victoria’s communications, engineers, human resources and environmental experts. The campaign highlights the scale of employment opportunities available for young graduates in a growing infrastructure industry.


4 – 29 March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 125,495
Creative and campaign development 16,040
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0


Promotion of a North East Link design update, sharing how community and stakeholder feedback helped shape the updated design and further opportunities to provide feedback.


August - September 2018

Campaign advertising expenditure
$ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 422,503
Creative and campaign development 15,753
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 118,395
Other campaign costs 0


Promotion of the Environment Effects Statement (EES) extended exhibition period and to invite communities and stakeholders to read the technical studies, talk to specialists at community drop-in sessions and to encourage submissions to the independent panel process. Statutory and additional newspaper advertising targeted local and CALD communities in the project corridor as well as a social media campaign and radio advertising.


April – June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 198,324
Creative and campaign development 20,686
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 173,876
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – Streamlining Hoddle Street: More Go Time


Campaign to inform and educate Victorian road users about Melbourne’s first Continuous Flow Intersection being built at Swan Street and Punt Road.


24 February – 30 March 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 389,138
Creative and campaign development 76,600
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 6,861
Other campaign costs 4,400

Department of Transport – Victoria’s Big Build


Campaign to deliver coordinated messaging to Victorians relating to disruptions associated with major transport infrastructure projects through a centralised phone number and website. The campaign highlights the scope and magnitude of current and future infrastructure projects. The website also provides a jobs portal, promoting employment opportunities across all projects.


30 July 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 2,767,410
Creative and campaign development 482,144
Research and evaluation 0
Print and collateral 3,577
Other campaign costs 0

Department of Transport – West Gate Tunnel: Get Moving Again


To increase awareness and inform motorists and communities of the West Gate Tunnel Project construction and associated traffic disruptions. The campaign used TV, radio, social media and print in both metro and regional areas to provide information about the project.


1 September 2018 – 30 June 2019

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 1,907,668
Creative and campaign development 165,027
Research and evaluation 29,500
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Development Victoria – Alfie (Altona North)


Alfie is a townhouse development in Altona North. Marketing activity, including advertising, was undertaken to drive property sales.


July 2018 – continuing into 2019–20

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 129,915
Creative and campaign development 657,114
Research and evaluation Incl in creative and campaign development
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0

Development Victoria – Riverwalk Werribee


Riverwalk is a land development in Werribee. Marketing activity, including advertising, was undertaken to drive property sales.


July 2018 – continuing into 2019-20

Campaign advertising expenditure $ (excluding GST)
Media advertising buy 155,178
Creative and campaign development 578,613
Research and evaluation 2,100
Print and collateral 0
Other campaign costs 0
